Contests / The Next Contest
31-August 08
posix Offline
you'll be getting a countdown for the releases of each main entry which will probably come in a two day rhythm, but we cannot do a countdown until pt3 releases begin. they'll begin whenever uni allows me some time off to finish the bits of html code that still are unfinished. -
FullMetal Offline
30 days exactly, from this (my quote) to the first release. Damn, I'm good.I'd give it another month.
But that's besides the point. I hate to interupt the praise that is currently going to Canthose Valley (), but I have a question that needs answering. I was going browsing the ideas suggested in this thread, and I must ask, "What is High Rollers?" I wasn't around when that contest took place, so I'm a bit unfamiliar with the details (and the contest page provides no info). Can someone please give me a summary of the workings of the contest?
Thanks. -
Kumba Offline
Hi Rollers was the most simple ne contest. They posted a bench anyone could dl and build on and put out like a 3 month deadline. Once eveything was in Mala owned everyone... tho imo Butterfinger's entry was the coolest even tho Mala's was amazing.
I guess we can have a poll for the new contest. My vote will be for H2H. Also I know gee and posix want a lot of downtime, but I think it helps to get into something like H2H early so people can have time to get to know there teams. Id love to see a sign-up/draft in about 3 weeks. -
ekimmel Offline
There will be too many dropouts to run an H2H, imho. I think HiRollers would be best. Or anything where dropouts don't really matter. -
Gwazi Offline
i would LOVE to participate in an H2H finally, but i don't want it to end up like last one (too many forfeits) -
nin Offline
Blockbuster Challenge Deuce
Of course, a hi-rollers wouldn't be too bad. I'd prefer H2H, but I can see why it wouldn't work. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Maybe some kind of team/duo tournament contest might work. Micro Madness wasnt flawless, but once the initial dropouts were eliminated, most people got some kind of entry in. It could be sort of like QFTB but for two people. That way if one person cant get something in, theres still a chance of the other being able to. And it would still be some kind of team thing, for those who want H2H. The people aren't active will be eliminated instead of continuing to forfeit. -
FullMetal Offline
Yeah, I think that something without anyone forfeiting would be nice. We don't want Kumba stealing the crown again...There will be too many dropouts to run an H2H, imho. I think HiRollers would be best. Or anything where dropouts don't really matter.
Kumba Offline
I was hoping they could let us pick with an awards category, but I guess not.
Im pulling for H2H5... -
zodiac Offline
as much as i'd love to participate in an H2H before they fall off the earth, i don't think that will really work. if anything, there should be a modified version, like H2H Classic. it would use a number of benches with older building items to keep things old school and speed up the building speed due to less to detail with. -
Milo Offline
well i think some sort of team contest, even a greatly reduced h2h style thing would be nice. haven't had one in a while and I think they can work but just on a smaller scale these days. -
posix Offline
i think after the awards might be a good time to get more serious about our next contest. -
FullMetal Offline
^I sent you a PM. What you do with it is up to you.
EDIT: nin also got a copy because he's cool like that. -
nin Offline
EDIT: nin also got a copy because he's cool like that.
I know, right?
I'm still up for a BB Challenge or Hi-Rollers. -
posix Offline
i think having a poll sometime in the future where we ask if you want an individual or a team contest will be helpful. -
FullMetal Offline
Text limit...
Alright, let's try this again.
posix and nin both got copies of my Super Contest Idea, and I figured that I should post it here as well. Also, posix wanted a condensed version, so I typed one up.
Risk: NE Edition is based on the classic board game Risk, which is all about world conquest. Player fight for control of the board by rolling dice and placing "troops" on the board. Players engage each other and try to take over the territories of their opponents.
So I thought, why not apply that concept to a contest for RCT? And so, Risk: NE Edition, was born. The main difference, however, is that "troops" are not used. instead we have a "General" who acts like a team captain, a "Vice-General" in case of emergencies, and "Lieutenants" who do the brunt of the fighting. Instead of rolling dice, the Lieutenants build parks that are judged using the 1-20 score system currently used by the accolade panel. If a Lieutenant attacks a territory, he/she and the defender must both make a park. The better park detirmines whether the territory is taken or defended.
Of course, there's a lot more detail than that, but that's just the basic idea of the contest. The next post will include a section of the full rules.
Damn text limit...... -
FullMetal Offline
~Risk: NE Edition~
Risk Official Rules (from various years) can be found here for reference. The most obvious difference between Risk: NE Edition and the standard Risk is the exclusion of troops and reinforcements, and the addition of the General, Vice-General, and Lieutenant positions.
All least 28 players are required for this contest to work well. More can be included if need be. All players are then divided up into three or four equal teams. Each team has certain positions that need to be filled. Each player is also given a rank. (Positions will be described in a later section. Rank is based on skill with weak players having low ranks. Rank will be discussed in the 'Battles' section.) The positions are:
~1 General (Chosen by either the Admins or the team; assigned a rank of 1)
~1 Vice-General (Chosen by the General; assigned a rank of 2)
~All other players are Lieutenants (Assigned a rank of 3 or lower)
ex) If a team has seven players, there will be 1 General, 1 Vice-General, and 5 Lieutenants.
The competition will take place on a traditional Risk game board with 42 territories. Teams will be given the opportunity to select territories at the start of the game using a method decided upon by either the community or the Admins. Not all territories will be occupied by all players, and some territories may be occupied by more than one player (described later).
A team of judges is also selected before game-play begins. The number of judges and who will judge will be chosen at the discretion of the Admins. (I estimate at least 5 judges or more for the best results.)
The three positions are described in detail as follows:
~General: Makes all decisions regarding team action including:
-Ordering Lieutenants to aid other Lieutenants
-Ordering Lieutenants to attack territories
-Ordering Lieutenants to relocate to another territory
The General may also participate in battles for a price (described in the 'Battles' section).
~Vice-General: Makes all decisions regarding team action if and ONLY IF the General is unable to fulfill his duties. ex) If CP6 is a General and his computer crashes, his Vice-General, Kumba, will have to take charge of the team. The Vice-General has all the powers of a general in this situation. The Vice-General may also participate in battles. If he is acting as a General, however, he is subject to the same penalties as a General.
~Lieutenant: The fighter of battles. A Lieutenant may forfeit a battle without consent from the General, in which case the battle will be lost. A Lieutenant may also make a Neutral Park (described later) if no orders are given.
All turns are taken simultaneously to save time. I estimate at least three to four weeks to complete an entire turn.
There are four phases to each turn:
1. Declare actions (attack or do nothing). The General can either order his Lieutenant to attack a specific territory, or order them to wait. Waiting does have it's advantages, however.
2. Assign aid (if need be). After all attacks have been declared, a General may assign a Lieutenant to aid a weaker Lieutenant. A Lieutenant may only provide aid if he/she is not currently attacking or defending.
3. Battles/Judgment (winners/losers determined). The judges determine the winner of each battle. The results of the battle are then posted for all to see. The game board is also modified at this point to reflect any territories lost or conquered. (Judging specifics will be discussed later.)
4. Relocate Lieutenants (to bolster defenses). Generals may order a Lieutenant to relocate to a different territory to ensure that it is adequately defended.
------[End of Rules Part 1]------
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