Contests / The Next Contest
31-August 08
Midnight Aurora Offline
You need to choose your battles more intelligently. Since Gee and Posix are probably too nice to say it, here's one from me: Fuck off.We're all up for it. Except for the two people that could actually make it happen...our admins.
One is too busy studying and the other honestly doesn't care. -
J K Offline
I don't think gee doesn't care but he's so busy with RL and working on this site. I'm sure he'd like to participate in the next contest, I would if I was him. I guess thats where the holdup is. -
Levis Offline
well I think if there is someone who wants to help organising a contest and discuss this with gee and po6 they probally will give him right so he can help them. if this goes as they want it also. -
posix Offline
The problem is not really the organising, it's the realisation of the whole thing. If we did a contest, we would want the site to work it, meaning a lot of coding would have to be done so that it can all be as dynamic and automatised as you know NE4 to be. But achieving this is a mountain of work. -
Levis Offline
aren't most things from the last H2H still implemented in the site?
so that means a H2H would be fairly "easy" to organise. or do you want it to take the submissions also and check if it meets the requirements etc and post the matchup automatically etc.
then I say you can overdo it alsoit would probally take more time to code all that then to post the matchup manually
K0NG Offline
Trust me, I am. Although I guess I'll never be able to stop being a fuckbucket.Stop being a fuckbucket and go and build some parks.
I actually chose this "battle" quite wisely and after a good amount of thought. Alerting people to the fact that it might take a bit of member participation (other than being in the contest itself) to make this happen couldn't be a bad thing at all. I wasn't 'dissing' anyone...just pointing out a couple of facts. Of course, an underpaid, over educated fuck like yourself would try to read more into it than is actually there. Not my problem.You need to choose your battles more intelligently. Since Gee and Posix are probably too nice to say it, here's one from me: Fuck off.
BTW, neither gee or posix have ever had any problem telling me to fuck off on their own. They surely don't need your assistance. Now, go play a cheap son of a bitch. -
posix Offline
K0NG, I really appreciate your point and I wish gee would post an honest reply, because I am certain it's not that he just "doesn't care". Like I tried to explain there are some serious challenges for us to hold a contest. I do completely understand though where your perception of "one being too busy and the other not caring" comes from though, and it was my worry that others would see it that way too. Thus, I feel it should be talked about. -
Kumba Offline
I think all that is/was really needed for H2H is a forum right? Also while that was in the past and were at NE4 now the current contest link goes right to the forums.
Yes H2H3 and H2H4 had websites that Cork made and if you feel you need one this time around I would not mind helping with one for you, but I can only do simple html as you can see on my monthly micros website.
I am not even sure if I want to do monthly micros again next year, so helping with and captaining/playing in an H2H is something I can do. Otherwise I might look to start another contest, but not without posix and gee being cool with it since I like having my site as a friendly compliment to NE and not competition. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
I actually chose this "battle" quite wisely and after a good amount of thought. Alerting people to the fact that it might take a bit of member participation (other than being in the contest itself) to make this happen couldn't be a bad thing at all. I wasn't 'dissing' anyone...just pointing out a couple of facts. Of course, an underpaid, over educated fuck like yourself would try to read more into it than is actually there. Not my problem.
BTW, neither gee or posix have ever had any problem telling me to fuck off on their own. They surely don't need your assistance. Now, go play a cheap son of a bitch.
Member participation is great. Just keep in mind that we've had a bunch of of member run contests--the last of which imploded due to lack of member participation. So forgive my confusion over a thread filled with calls for a new, ever-more complicated contest from people who signed up and forfeited from the last one. Even so, I guess I can look past that because if nothing else, I'm sure they didn't mean any harm. But if you then insult the admins of the site for "not caring" when they spent a large majority of their spare time coding this site for the past two years, you're just a dick, and I can't believe Posix even humoured you with a serious reply.
I don't see how my socioeconomic or educational background play into this, either. Stop being a child. -
K0NG Offline
^There are a lot of things that you apparently fail to see, but that's beside the point.
The key here being "member participation" as opposed to "member run". My intent here is to possibly get enough interest from competent members that can pretty much take the burden off of posix and gee and handle most everything that doesn't involve needing admin status to do. Kumba's offered his services, I'd obviously do whatever I could to assist and I'm sure there are more people that would pitch in to the point that the load would be light enough for admins to handle. This way we have an 'official' NE contest that's proven to be quite popular and with points being involved, would undoubtedly have enough interest and participation to make it worthwhile for everyone.
BTW, I never accused anyone of "not caring" in regards to NE. Just this particular contest at this particular time. And, my choice of words was bad. I should have said "simply not interested" in lieu of "simply doesn't care" which might have possibly prevented the proverbial wild hair from encroaching someones anal cavity. -
posix Offline
K0NG, your optimism is likable, but I'm afraid it's a bit more difficult than simply sharing work among people. As I see it the by far most needed and important human capital the site needs is coding ability and expertise, preferably built up over years and through having worked on various sites. geewhzz was able to gain this kind of ability in an extremely short amount of time. But he is the only who can really change anything on the site and he can't always just function and spend weeks coding up a contest functionality when you want one "at this particular time". -
Midnight Aurora Offline
^There are a lot of things that you apparently fail to see, but that's beside the point.
I see plenty.But he is the only who can really change anything on the site and he can't always just function and spend weeks coding up a contest functionality when you want one "at this particular time".
K0NG Offline
Dude, Or are you just flirting with me now? Though I'm almost flattered, I didn't really think I was your type. -
wildroller Offline
Hi, I thought I would throw my 2 cents in here, even though I'm newish to this site. I had the idea floating around for a while, and after the fiesta I think it might be a great unofficial comp. Simply have a head 2 head screen competition, each round you give a theme and the entrants have to submit a single screen to represent it.
Nobody has to worry about making a big park and not getting points for it.
The only problem I can see is getting something setup so people could vote on the screens effectively! -
Liampie Offline
I think it's a waste of inspiration to build stuff just for a screen, and knowing you probably won't finish it. -
Cocoa Offline
^yah, probably. personally, I don't really want to go for another H2H though. I want to join the next one and I don't really feel like I would work well on a team, where other people sort of rely on me- I'm a slow builder, and sometimes I get really uninspired, so I would like something that is solo or even duo and not on too large a scale.
I think we should invent a new contest, that would be cool. We could do some sort of duo- round robin style challange, where every [insert period of time] you work with a different member, eventually playing with everyone or maybe a certain amount of people. Then for every round there are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and each player gets points for those.
I know there are a lot of flaws with it, but I just thought about it now. Maybe a tournament style contest would work better? -
Gwazi Offline
i just wanted to pop in and say, if we have another H2H i'll join in a heartbeat. building with Kumba, robbie, JDP, and dr dirt was amazing and i loved watching our matches play out (as well as others).
Hurricanes ftw
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