Contests / The Next Contest
31-August 08
FK+Coastermind Offline
well, there were still plenty of half-finished parks in H2H5, besides all the wonderful stuff. And PT3 had 7 entries including 2 unfinished out of some 30 eldigable players. Unless we are talking something micro, there will be a number of unfinished parks. Maybe a H2H6 would work, but we just had H2H5, and the idea of GW and Posix coordinating all that given all the work they are doing already is ricidulous...
although in comparison, an official contest will be more sucessful then unoffical QFTB was, simply becuase everyone wants points now. essential, NE Genesis killed UnQFTB becuase, as Sammy pointed out, everyone immediatly lost interest when they knew they could be getting points for their work...
on the other hand, maybe the gift of points will increase participation. I mean, look at how desperate people have become for points. My guess is you would have tons of unfinished parks, because instead of forgoing turning in a shitty park, people will turn them in for the points rather then forfeit. maybe the obsession with points is just what NE needed to fuel new contests...
FK -
Ride6 Offline
A grid-team project would be cool. Particularly if it was something like a 90x90 map, lets say 3-4 teams of 11 or 12 have to fill 9 30x30 areas get filled (on per person, you can ONLY build in your square, maybe something tricky like 2 squares per map can be built by 1 person). You'd have coasters half by one person and half by another... The idea of teams of 11 or 12 (rather than just the nine) are:
1) Brainstorming
2) Teams shouldn't need backups that way
3) The "extra" members can finish off/rebuild/improve upon other people's squares; there's no officiated limit to the number of people who build on one square.
We could probably do this as an almost h2h like thing (captains and draft system to start things up), but it would be just one round... If we have enough people for 4 teams I suppose it could be two rounds, single elimination, with a third-place match (thus yielding 8 90x90 parks). 30x30 isn't a very big area, so each individual should NOT take very long. It could probably be limited to something like 10-12 weeks per map. I'd be up for something like that.
That'd be cool. Not sure how it would be judged (public voting? some kind of panel? idk). But that'd be a lot of fun.
I also think it would be really cool to work in some kind of advertising component to the next content, whatever it is. Something like "you must post a screen every 10 days from your entry from the starting date until the park is "turned in" or else risk disqualification or other penalties". This would obviously only work for an official contest, and probably only work reasonably well for a team contest. Never-the-less it adds another layer of excitement (the ad won't be dead just because everyone's busy) and strategy (you don't want to show too much to your competition and the longer you take the more you have to reveal, but you can't rush perfection!) to the contest.
Regardless I think we're very due for an official competition of some kind.
Ride6 -
Jaguar Offline
I was thinking along the lines of a park similar to those RCT Fusion Survivor parks. Really the contest won't be based on just the players skill, but their reliability. Maybe members that are stragglers would be disqualified in the 2nd round, along with the loosing teams, and the next round would be harder. It would also be cool if each person had to build an individual coaster (with exceptions, an adventure ride, water ride, etc.) -
Ride6 Offline
Any contest is inherently based around both skill and reliability. I don't think putting any additional requirements (like the coaster, etc) on it is a good idea at all. If we shrunk the parks down far enough (like a 60x60 split into 20x20 areas for 9 squares) we could probably go round-robin with three teams to eliminate 1 (though technically I suppose it's possible that they'd all tie) and then have a finals round.
Because each team would have to build 2 parks for round robin, and potentially an additional on for the finals I think 3 teams of 20 would be assembled (hey! this is like h2h scale). If each round teams will be allowed to jettison their unproductive players and 'draft' from the backup pool, with the order based on their win/loses to date (weakest team drafts first). The only problem with this is that I'm not certain there are enough active members to sustain a contest on that scale.
I like the idea of a team competition based on all building on the same map... I'm not even sure that the grid is necessarily the smartest restriction but I don't want to see Kumba's team just let Kumba build 90% of the thing and 'let' a couple people fill in the rest. Basically I don't want to see it be Kumba and friends vs CP6 and friends vs Six Frags and friends. The contest should showcase more than just a star player if it's a team contest.
Some kind of individual contest would be great too, but I can't think of anything that would make for an interesting run that doesn't just become Hi Rollers / Pro Tour or QFTBX... Then again another Pro Tour in which NOBODY gets in for free might be interesting... but only might...
Ride6 -
Jaguar Offline
Well, a grid is generally the most equal you can get in RCT, and like I have said, someone who doesn't finish could be disqualified the next round, as for the people who showed the least work on that team. -
Levis Offline
I'd say the elementalists are up for a new H2H again.
How about the Hurricanes Darren?
K0NG Offline
Anytime motherfuckers. Last H2H was a fluke (you know it) and if gee ain't up for captaining the Kids back to where we should have been at the end....I'll gladly form the Rat Bastards and knock you bitches off of your fucking pedestal. -
In:Cities Offline
i'm down for a h2h.
i've never participated, and think that i'd work better with a team. -
Liampie Offline
I used to prefer Hi-Rollers over H2H, but recently I was in a nostalgic mood and I remembered how much fun H2H5 was. I want both, and I think the time is right now. -
tdub96 Offline
Although I'm not a well known or skilled player, I'd love to be on a team. But if not, I still really like following the H2H, some of the parks produced are amazing. -
robbie92 Offline
H2H was an absolute blast, although I like the productivity stemmed from a lack of contests that we have now. -
K0NG Offline
We're all up for it. Except for the two people that could actually make it happen...our admins.
One is too busy studying and the other honestly doesn't care.
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