Contests / The Next Contest
31-August 08
Cena Offline
I don't get it here ...
Sure we just had H2H, but that was started around this time, last year, so why not doing the preparation for a new contest now, that can start after the summer holidays for example? We could have qualifications now, and have the actual thing after the summer, then is H2H a year ago. -
K0NG Offline
While Dave, Louis and Magnus all make valid points, ironically it's Cena that's thinking more along with me. While I have to admit that I might personally have more of a desire for another full-blown NE contest than others because of the sting my pride is still feeling from last years H2H, the fact is that even if an existing (H2H6, Hi Rollers, etc) contest were to come next, it wouldn't be like it could begin this weekend. And, if a new contest like a Pro/Am were to take place, it might take 3-4 months to bang out all of the specifics to make it happen. I'm not exactly saying we should begin a major contest right away, just begin serious discussions regarding one. I mean, it is already mid-March.........
As for Road Rallies, the fact that "hardly any players enter anyways" is, to me, the main reason for not entering. Last year, even Wolfman and Jag won rounds because of lack of entries. And no offense to Jag but, if there was a decent entry up against either of them that probably wouldn't have happened. As for Micros....honestly, there's not really that much you can do on a 20x20 map that's going to get someone really fired up the way a major NE contest will. Although I do plan on giving the Micros a shot soon.
Again, I'm not saying that we should begin a contest immediately...just get the ball rolling. -
nin Offline
I'm with K0NG here; sure, there's not going to be a contest to occur shortly, yes, I understand that, but just to get the ideas and interest up now would greatly benefit. I also wouldn't mind an already established contest like HR2 or PT3 to occur since that'd be a small break in the planning period. -
5dave Offline
^^I disagree with the Micros. Do you remember the Micro Madness contest? IMO that one had many great ideas throughout and was a blast for all the players.
And if you want people to compete against in a RR just win a round and I bet there will be many people trying to beat you in the finals then just to freak you out, haha!
"MFG" -
Comet Offline
Or we could start planning so it could begin in time for the summer holidays
What's wrong with the summer other than Robbie's gonna be away for 2 weeks -
K0NG Offline
Micro Madness was in a different galaxy than the monthly micros. Rankings, round matchups, elimination ladders and the fact that it coincided with March was a well thought out, full blown, NE style contest that like H2H, brought out the best players and the best efforts. 'Monthly's is akin to a more frequent RR with (so far at least) minor interest and participation with monthly winners competing at the end of the year. And, no matter how many great ideas Micro Madness had, that was partly due to the fact that it had never been done before. Besides, both MM and RR are basically 'micro' contests anyway. Add the fact that there's unfortunately not much activity at RCTSpace and that IMO, the RR's needed a completely new direction to draw entrants ( I know I tried unsuccessfully to try to take them there this year and it frustrated me so much to see everyone basically say "why fix it if it ain't broke" which it was that I just gave up and haven't visited the site since) and there's just not a lot to really shoot for in the RR's any more. Maybe one quality entry per round, if that and wait til the end of the year for a decent matchup.^^I disagree with the Micros. Do you remember the Micro Madness contest? IMO that one had many great ideas throughout and was a blast for all the players.
And if you want people to compete against in a RR just win a round and I bet there will be many people trying to beat you in the finals then just to freak you out, haha!
I mean, if you seriously think that either of those is even of the same species of a H2H/HR or even a new contest like an NE Pro/Am.....well, I think you get the point.
Besides, part of my thinking here involves the activity of the site itself as much as the actual contest. Look at how these forums came to life as soon as the H2H5 sign ups began and lasted until well after the contest ended. All the adrenaline and testosterone flying compared to a current JoeZia thread about bloody rivers or a GigaG topic about railroad crossings that only garners interest because it is, ironically, a train wreck itself. -
Magnus Offline
Just to add some proof to the point I made:
This is the effect of contests and the reason why too many contests do not help this site in the long run.
A contest makes the site look more active and in fact some people grab up the game again just because of contests, however after contests there always is this frightening silence around this place. Starting a new contest in this period of time only amplifies the effect. -
K0NG Offline
^ Ok, I'm not really arguing your point here, because I haven't been here long enough to be able to truly say that you're incorrect. More like I'm just validating my own opinion.
The last contest (H2H5) ended in September...therefore it took a decent amount of time for the forums to deteriorate to the point they're currently at. So, I wouldn't say that that's necessarily a direct result of the contest itself. Plus, I think the current state of the site has more to do with what people commented on in that same topic after you posted this morning than being any 'aftermath' of the last contest. I also think that the 'frightening silence' is as much, if not more an effect of the declining amount of people actively playing the game, people moving on to RL and just not having the time to stay active any longer, etc. as it is the direct result of any contest 'hangover'. You stated that "A contest makes the site look more active". In actuality, the site is more's not an illusion. My opinion is that with the decline in people actively playing the game, a quality contest that piques the community's interest is a far better bet than waiting out any 'aftermath' of a previous contest in hopes that the community will rejuvenate itself. With the influx of new members that are, IMO, 'out of their league' but still creating a good portion of the topics and making a majority of the posts lately....a contest that gets the proverbial blood flowing would rejuvenate the community and render a lot of the crap that's been the status quo recently moot.
As far as "history has shown that a lot of great players have left during or shortly after contests, because of the expenditure of time and energy these afford", I can't disagree with that. But, at the same time, when the same people return to the site later with a modicum of interest and see little real RCT activity smothered by religious topics, psuedo-demonic artwork, flailing newby ridemakers and railroad crossings, they're not likely to suddenly be inspired to become active again. Contests have also proven to breed new quality players that this, or any RCT site so desperately needs. I look at how alive this place was for seven months last year and see how it is seven months afterward and have to think that a heavy-hitting contest can be nothing but good.
lol...your witness counselor. -
Cena Offline
Sorry guys, I want to deeply apologize to all of you, but I have to agree with 'fuckbucket' K0NG here, he is right about the activity issue and the whole next contest thing.
K0NG, maybe (as I suggested before) we could start thinking about a new contest together? If anyone else doesn't want to take this up, why should we don't do it then? Anyways, drop me a PM if you are interested. -
Brent Offline
A march-madness type bracket contest would be cool... the station did one years back. And I actually signed up (and more importantly, submitted). -
K0NG Offline
Just so everyone that cares knows...Cena and I are gonna bang heads on how to make the Pro/Am idea become a reality so, any and all suggestions will definitely be taken into consideration. -
Kumba Offline
Been there, won thatA march-madness type bracket contest would be cool
Not sure if I am going to enter any contests this year. Depends what gee and Phil come up with. Pro-am... idk maybe if its small. -
Liampie Offline
Been there, won that
Not sure if I am going to enter any contests this year. Depends what gee and Phil come up with. Pro-am... idk maybe if its small.
Would you enter PT4/Hi Rollers 2? -
Six Frags Offline
I don't think I'll ever enter any contest again. I know myself, and in the past they resulted in some poor, rushed and unfinished parks of mine that really are a loss of my time.
Maybe I'll participate in another H2H as a non-playing captain, but for now I made the decision to only spend my rct on full scale parks without a deadline.
I am interested to see another contest over here though. There are people over here that, contrary to me, are good at them, and deadlines bring the best out of them. So as a supporter I would like to see another contest, preferably Hi Rollers 2 where new talent can be discovered.
SF -
Kumba Offline
PT is overdone imo. Id rather Hi Rollers so everyone gets a shot with H2H sized benches. H2H6 has got to happen, but I think it can wait till next Summer.Would you enter PT4/Hi Rollers 2?
J K Offline
I'm game for any competition that Gee and Phil can cook up. I just hate the sound of the Pro/Am contest. -
Liampie Offline
I just hate the sound of the Pro/Am contest.
I hate the whole concept... It would be so disappointing to see that contest happen instead of a classic NE-contest. -
SSSammy Offline
and where do you think the classics came from? the generation of new ideas. don't knock it until you have given it chance to prove itself. i think i'll listen as long as it doesn't begin to sound too ridiculous. im confused as to how the pros are seperated from the ams
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