Contests / The Next Contest
31-August 08
FK+Coastermind Offline
im not sure if understood waht ][ntamin said, but i like the sound of it!
maybe something with teams or parkmakers getting knocked out each round. depending on how many enter, we could do something with small maps, and narrow it be knocking out the worst entry.
FK -
inVersed Offline
I would like to see another Blockbuster contest.
or if you want to change it up, maybe base it off of songs or TV programs instead of movies -
Comet Offline
What about something like The Apprentice where an NE Parkmaker is paired up with a non parkmaker and they make a park or something like that.
Only reason I say this is because if you can just pick a team of two it'd be way to easy for two parkmakers to get together and own the competition.
Other then that I like Intamin's idea or another H2H would be great. -
Maverick Offline
Hmm... putting all the above ideas together...
-H2H team structure
-"Pro-Am" type pairings (aka "apprentice")
-specific theme for each round or match
-longer deadlines
-smaller maps
...OR... -full team contest map divided for each round.
---IE--- 120x120 map divided into five 40x40 and one 80x80 sections.
How would this work?
1) each "round" uses one of the small sections until the "final" round where the larger area is used
2) each of the small areas can be used for a "theme" based tournament (order determined by the team, so parks can be different for each team)
3) the 5 small sections could also be used in the suggested "events" format or combine the "events" with the "themes"
4) scores can be done as a "free-for-all" or a "head-to-head" with judging options open to include or ignore the other built areas in the judging (aka finals could be 80x80 section only or whole team park)
5) restrictions can be made for percentage of WHOLE map "parkmakers" or "amateurs" work on (see suggested "apprentice" or "pro-am" ideas)
6) micro parks and mini parks get forgotten quickly simply because of the sheer number of them released... collaboration parks tend to derail as ideas get crossed during building... this allows a lesser number of parks released while maintaining quality focus AND you get the bonus of being part of a complete collaboration project. (something like the old IAAPA contest - but better)
7) allows room for expansion: even though each "round" will have a limited area usable, going outside those borders IS the cost of a score deduction.
thoughts? -
Milo Offline
I seem to remember the first Invitational derailing a bit from what the original intent was... weren't there supposed to be writeups on each park, some sort of specific update system, etc and then it just ended up 'whoever wins gets a Parkmaker spot'? hmmm maybe I'm remembering Park Wars...
some of these Apprentice ideas sound cool... some sort of pairing system or smaller teams with a couple Parkmakers and non Parkmakers put together... -
][ntamin22 Offline
unfortunately not enough parkmakers are active (or play LL) for that to really be plausible. At the very least it would be a stretch. -
Buckeye Becky Offline
Anyone up for another Fusion Survivor? I'd be happy to discuss with an admin here as to how that would work with NE. There is no more Fusion club...but we could figure something out for the winner...or not -
trav Offline
I was just thinking about Game Shows and "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here" got me thinking.
How about a competition where there are a few teams. They each have basic Rollercoasters and other rides they can use, but then there are a series of "challenges" (eg, build the best Space themed park) which they have to complete. Whoever wins the challenge gets so many points, and these points all add up to get more rollercoasters and rides.
I'm not sure on how you'd determine a winner though. First team to get 5 new rides? -
Kumba Offline
Im putting my money on something im trying to put together...
H2H5 All-Stars!
Kumba vs. iris!
Two teams! Two squads each! Co-Captains for the first time ever!
Watch Kumba own iris!
Who wants to do this or try and be a co-captain?
Waits for admins to kill me...
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