Contests / The Next Contest
31-August 08
Liampie Offline
Solo parks being left unfinished due to contests is the main complaint in this topic I think. This might be an idea: First three new spotlights, then start thinking about a new contest!
It might take a while, but I'm sure it will motivate people who enjoy contests to make some great parks. -
Comet Offline
posix I think it's best you just ignore this topic because you're taking stuff the wrong way.
When I posted my idea for a contest, I obviously knew that you weren't just gonna read it and be like "good idea I'll start that tomorrow". I'm pretty sure 90% of the people in here (above poster excluded) understand that we need around 8 months off until the next official contest, we're just posting what we think we should do when the time comes around. above poster I did not mean Liampie, sorry you posted while I was posting. I meant jaguarkidEdited by Comet, 06 August 2009 - 08:36 AM.
J K Offline
Let Posix and Gee do they're thing. Theres actually no argument to be had because their work on the site and developing the community is essential.
How about this? I challenge everyone who wants a contest to the final Road Rally coming up at RCTSpace. Everyone who has posted in this topic stating they're need for competition just bring it! -
X_Fusion Offline
I must admit that I liked the prelims from the pro tours better than the main season in the ones I participated. maybe we could make a kind of competition like the weekend deadmatches which where a while back.
A calender is made with every 1/2/3 weeks a goal (for example make the best woody or make the funniest park). everyone can participate in the rounds. a first places gives (for example) 10 points, a seccond place 8 points, a thirt place 4 points and a fourth place 2 and a fifth place 1 all lower places dont give points.
At the end of the season a list is made of everyone who participated with all the points they collected to see who won.
in this way beginners or people with few time could only participate in 1 round to win that. people with more time or more motivation could try to participate in more rounds to try to win the whole season.
kinda like the tour the france, some people only want to win a etappe while others want to win the whole tour.
you could also introduce some other prices. like a "only coaster" competition where only the points gained in a coaster goal count. or a rookie price for someone whoe didn't ever participated in a contest on NE gefore are count only etc.
I think that could be cool
The idea of Levis is very powerful!
I think it can be well used. -
panther33 Offline
Just throwing this out there, but can you promote someone, to be an admin, but an admin just for contests? Just my 2 cents. -
Levis Offline
I dont want a contest very soon also. I just wanted to offer and idea.
I'd say somewhere around christmas is a good time -
FullMetal Offline
Something small around Christmas would be nice, but I personally don't want to partake in any contests until after the Collabaloo is finished (which would be next year). I feel that I have a responsibilty to ensure that the project is finished.
But I completely understand the pressures of the Admins when running contests. Keeping track of the Collabaloo is definitely more than I bargained for. And I'm not even doing everything that the admins would do when running a contest.
Let's give 'em a break, guys.
Oh, and I'd like to see a Hi-Rollers next summer. -
robbie92 Offline
As much as I love participating, I don't want another contest for a while. We need time to slow down and work on our own stuff, which is what I plan to do... -
Kumba Offline
Ok Hi Rollers... with a BUY-IN!!! Like $25 to enter. Depending on how many people enter we could have a huge prize-pool. We do this all the time in poker, let me break it down...
5 people enter = $125
Winner - $100
Runner-Up - $25 (refund)
10 people enter = $250
Winner - $150
Runner-Up - $75
Third - $25 (refund)
16 people enter = $400
Winner - $200
Runner-Up - $100
Third - $75
Forth - $25 (refund)
20 people enter = $500 (like the first Hi Rollers had)
Winner - $250
Runner-Up - $125
Third - $100
Forth - $25 (refund)
And lets go crazy...
40 People enter = $1,000
Winner - $525
Runner-Up - $225
Third - $150
Forth - $75
Fifth - $25 (refund)
So question is would anyone be willing to pay to enter an RCT contest? I would if we had a long enough deadline, maybe up to 5-6 months. Bench size only like 80x80, just we get a lot of time since we pay to enter. -
Lowenaldo Offline
thats an interesting concept kumba. i dont know if i would pay 25 dollars, considering i dont think i would stand a good chance of winning >.< but it would be fun and add a little initiative to create a really good park.
what im interested in is the park wars idea (if thats what its called) i forget what topic i read about it on though. -
Six Frags Offline
Money could be a motivation for some people, but in this context not for me; I want it to be fun and don't want to feel the pressure of losing money if I don't complete the park or if the park is not going to be good enough.. I get the most motivation if I build something and if it looks good.. That keeps me going, and not the money..
SF -
Lowenaldo Offline
i agree with nin, and i can see six frags point of view, i just thought kumbas idea was a good one, but after reading more of the forum topic, im going to agree with people on the fact that the next contest should be ways away. im enjoying seeing the solo projects from everyone ( especially six frags euro park) and look forward to seeing those completled. i think once the majority of the community are done working on their selected projects and begin to start showing signs that they would like to participate in another contest, then maybe. but untill then, posix has stated there are things he wants to get done, i think we should let him.
just my two cents...... its been a long night :/ -
Comet Offline
You'd need to come up with a pretty good way of judging the parks if I was going to put money into it. -
K0NG Offline
^I agree with the judging thing but, I'm in. I'm sure Darren will come up with a fair judging process.
Although I think the 'prize' distribution could use a little revamping, especially at the 40 entries point.
And Fraggy, it's only $25....if it were $100 or something, I'd see your point.Edited by K0NG, 19 August 2009 - 05:17 PM.
gir Offline
I would never spend money on an RCT contest, and I feel like many probably feel the same way. -
reflex Offline
i think the more money at risk, the more arguing and complaining there is as a result of a potential loss of money.
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