Contests / The Next Contest
31-August 08
Milo Offline
fun as it is I doubt I'll participate in another H2H...
I'd love to see a contest like High Rollers in the future that gives the option for duos or groups though -
Liampie Offline
Can anyone tell me what High Rollers exactly is?
I suppose it's like the Pro Tours, but accessible for everyone? -
posix Offline
There will definitely be a few months break. Many people have interrupted their solo project plans for H2H5. Some of them will be cancelled, I'm afraid, but some others will get done. Gee and I also had interrupted a lot of things for H2H5. Mainly doing updates to the site. We want to use the frontpage more, we want to reorganise and automatise a few things to release accolades faster, we want to adapt something like the rct top10 thing that was recently brought up, we want to update the parkmaker pages, ... we want to do SO many things, in fact, that I'm kinda wondering how we could possibly pull it all off.
But time will tell
I think this topic is cool, but the problem with it is that once people have a contest idea they are so fascinated by how super-duper it could be that they want to start RIGHT AWAY. It's hard to tell people "No, it's not going to happen". The best way to send us contest ideas is via email. We actually collect them all in our gmail inbox so we can review them a bit more in-depth when it's time for a new contest.
So, as of now, why don't everyone do their solo projects, the super big community thing, the other super big community thing, and whatever group projects you might still have?
My advice to you: Try to focus on NE accolades. When gee and I are done with the site, they will count much more than before. -
X_Fusion Offline
We like the competition!
But now a break for all is also very good.
I hope that the next competition is great! -
Liampie Offline
Posix, you and geewhzz are always so busy with the site; why not expand the Management with a third or even fourth person? It wouldn't harm I think. Sooner or later you'll both have a burn-out... -
posix Offline
Liampie, I think no one can really understand what it means to be an admin of NE. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to do the job, but I absolutely don't regret it. The thing that makes it so hard to find the right people is that mostly, they want to do the job for the excitement, the power, or the status, instead of for the prosperity of the site. To support us, you don't really have to be an admin. We always need people who can code websites, who can use photoshop well, who are good at writing newsposts or wording announcements, who know how to manage expectations, etc.Posix, you and geewhzz are always so busy with the site; why not expand the Management with a third or even fourth person? It wouldn't harm I think. Sooner or later you'll both have a burn-out...
The most crucial attribute of an NE admin in my opinion however is: to continuously seek what could do the site well and to have the motivation to go to great lengths to make it happen, INSTEAD OF coming to the site to be entertained. Essentially, what we offer, is an entertainment service. If this is what you seek in NE, you cannot become an admin. So the question is: Are you a creator or a consumer? And if you are a creator, what is your motivation? My personal motivation is to bring the highest possible level of skill to the game, and to amaze people with the result through our releases.
Kumba has had a difficult time and he frustrated both gee and I with many things he did because we believed they were bad for the site. When you look at the outcome of the PT3 contest, you can say it's a proof of how he maladministered things. But I can imagine what led him to, so I know it makes no sense to blame him. He is definitely showing some great initiative again in various areas and the fact that he's been an admin before makes him totally different. It's immediately recognisable when you observe his actions. But as said, I don't like this distinction of admin yes or no. It's not a status, it's an attitude. -
Wanted Offline
Well then it's settled. I came here for entertainment so I am the perfect candidate for a consumer =] -
Goliath123 Offline
If we had another PT hor much time would you get to build a park? How long did you have for number 3? -
Wanted Offline
I don't think pro tour is the best idea any more because not everyone can participate. -
JDP Offline
I have an idea, it's not a contest, just more like a simple show of recognition. We should get maybe three people together to be judges and make it their duty to pick a "Screen of the Week". So whether it's coming from the dumb place or ones topic, every screen would be a contender. By the end of the week (Sunday night probably) the three judges would have decided what screen is the best, and it would be posted in the "Important Topics" section of the advertisement forum as "Screen of the Week".
If we do something like this, I think it will attract more people to the advertisement district and it will also motivate people to post some of their most recent and quality work. I would also be more then happy to be one of the judges.
Anyone else agree on something like this??
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