Ask the Experts / RCT2 Load Issue

  • Insaneblob%s's Photo
    I recently purchased RCT2, since I'm very close to finishing RCT:LL now. It installed fine, as did Wacky Worlds, but when I tries to run it, the hourglass appeared, then vanished, and no game in sight. I tried it with and without W.W, and with the v28_rct2 patch.
    Any ideas?
    And please do not say disk cleaner!

    I apologise if this has come up before, but I couldn't find it elsewhere.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    what OS are you running ?
  • Insaneblob%s's Photo

    what OS are you running ?

    I'm using XP Home SP2.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

    there was a issue with XP when people used emulating software (things like clonecd). this sometimes made rct2 crash in the loading time.
    it could also be a driver related problem. maybe you can first try to update your drivers (from the cd/dvd drive).
  • Insaneblob%s's Photo
    I have tried the game in both my DVD and DVDRW drives, and both have the latest drivers installed. Also, I do not have any such emulating software.
  • posix%s's Photo
    what's your version of directx?
    windowskey+r > dxdiag
  • Insaneblob%s's Photo
    Direct X 9.0C
  • Levis%s's Photo

    I have tried the game in both my DVD and DVDRW drives, and both have the latest drivers installed. Also, I do not have any such emulating software.

    you need to put it in the drive where you installed it.
    but if you have a cloning program (nero burning room sometimes fuckes also) it could be that is conflicting.
  • posix%s's Photo
    then it should bring up a "wrong disc inserted" message. how do you even get the idea that he's using something like clonecd/dvd?
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    There used to be a problem with rct just because of programs like clonecd running on the computer and that is what levis is refering to I think, phil.

    However, I do not think many people tested rct2+ww and SP2 yet. I have not even updated to SP2 with all the problems I have heard about. It would be very strange though if the problems is because of SP2.

    Hope someone else can help. Classic advice like trying to install the game again does not help a lot I think. It would be interesting to know if the problem only comes up with WW.

  • Levis%s's Photo

    There used to be a problem with rct just because of programs like clonecd running on the computer and that is what levis is refering to I think, phil.
    However, I do not think many people tested rct2+ww and SP2 yet. I have not even updated to SP2 with all the problems I have heard about. It would be very strange though if the problems is because of SP2.

    Hope someone else can help. Classic advice like trying to install the game again does not help a lot I think. It would be interesting to know if the problem only comes up with WW.


    I'm refering to that problem yes.

    and I think you mean SP3 , cause as far as I know SP2 is not that bad (altough I never went past SP1 also) and rct runs on it.

    it has something to do with the recognition of the cd. I believe this problem was because of those emulating softwares.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Yeh nothing wrong with SP2 :p

    You must mean SP3 ^_^


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