(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / 15X15 - Family Coaster
22-June 08
Berke Offline
Hello. I'm new here.
I visited this site for a couple of months and i like it, so i became member.
To show what i can do i submit a Micro Madness Challenge disign for the MMC on an other forum.
Here some Screens:
Hope u like it.
(... I' m not english but Dutch so mayby my language isn't always right....Edited by Berke, 22 June 2008 - 12:37 PM.
Nokia Offline
i think it looks pretty good.
you should enter that as a microworks thing over at avenged. -
nin Offline
^ I was just about to say that. It looks great, nice details,architecture, etc. and that coaster looks fun! -
Louis! Offline
Looks nice. You've fit everything in there nicely without it looking cramped.
And Nin & Nokia, he cant submit it to Avenged as we dont accept micros that have been released already. -
ClockworkMyr Offline
If it were part of a park around it, it's be awesome, but alone, it seems a bit overdone. It looks great nonetheless though. -
nin Offline
Looks nice. You've fit everything in there nicely without it looking cramped.
And Nin & Nokia, he cant submit it to Avenged as we dont accept micros that have been released already.
my bad. I didnt see the download link. I thought he just put it in the wrong section.
JJ Offline
Yeah. When he originally posted the topic he didn't have the download link so you didn't miss it -
Sey Offline
Looks interesting, but hate the colours of the flowers^^ Can be better.
And the supports? They float over the water?;-)
The rest is ok so far...
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