(Archive) Advertising District / Comet Craters

  • ivo%s's Photo
    @RCTmasta: I totally forgot to post that the screens are unfinished. First screen is missing supports and foilage.
    @Liampie: I am not really good in giving myself critic in some points and normally it takes a lot of time before I can look objective to my work. Now I realised I fucked up a little earlier. I can build realism but I need to make use of a theme. That do(o)med structure is nice but the placement is horrible. It will dissapoint you when you see it ingame.
    @Brent: subtle hehe. Yeah, forgot to tell it is a little unfinished.
    @Goliath123: haha, nice one. But you know, people should be free to tell whatever they want no mather how they act.
    @Turtle: Organic! That is a nice compliment and very fitting! Remembers me of the time I really liked Gaudi. This "style" kinda evolved from Devils and Demons (H2H5)
    @Dimi: Thanks! It is nice people haven't forgot this park.
    @Leonidas: Well the world has afraid people.

    And thanks to all the panda lovers!
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Not too keen on the first one, it seems very bland and too many straight lines. I am in love with the second though, just fantastic work. Keep it up ^_^
  • ivo%s's Photo
    You don't like straight?

    Thanks for the motivation!


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