(Archive) Advertising District / ThorpePoint is back! 03/12/5 New Pics!

  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    The pictures are great and i say you should keep the sation for Snowstorm, other than that why did you build phoenix in section?
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
    This gets better every time.
  • Comet%s's Photo
    Its great but the foliage takes away from it so much imo.
  • Ripsaw%s's Photo
    Phoenix- is a clue to what it is....

    As the phoenix falls, new life will rise from the ashes..

    We are bringing life back to a coaster, sporting new Vekoma Trains and a powerfull new paint job, this british classic will not give up life yet..

    Keep the comments coming...

    Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe
  • Comet%s's Photo
    Corkscrew isn't a family ride.
  • Ripsaw%s's Photo
    It is compared to now a day standards, and it was always under the fun and frights section on the website and maps, btw well done for guessing
  • Xophe%s's Photo
    Seems like you're making good progress with this! Just a couple of points. It might just be in these particular screens but your paths seem kind of narrow and meandering. It might be better to give them more... structure? I don't know. I don't mean the queues by the way, I mean how the main paths kinda wander through some trees and then there's suddenly a building, then another stretch of trees... Sorry I'm not being very clear haha! I think what I'm getting at is that it all seems a bit disjointed. Hopefully that's just because it's unfinished.
    I'm not too keen on the Snowstorm station either. I think it's the flat part in the middle that throws it off.
    Everything else is looking good though and props for bringing back Corkscrew!!
  • trav%s's Photo

    Corkscrew isn't a family ride.

    Yes it is.

    1.2m height limit = Family Ride.

    You're thinking of kiddy rides.
  • Comet%s's Photo
    No, I'm thinking of family rides.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    ^^Trav. Are you serious?
  • trav%s's Photo
    I googled Alton Towers Family Rides. Guess what came up on the first link.

  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
    I think trav is taking this a little too seriously....

    TP is my favorite ip park!!
  • Ripsaw%s's Photo
    Ok heres an update for today, Im goin ravin tonight so i wont be doin anywork untill monday, simply becuse its 14hours long and im gona be knakered lol if ya like Hardcore andf ur in UK Come to Peterborough for Hyperbolic!

    Right lets get to it.... This update is all to do with family adventure fun and frights enjoy...

    Corky Logo
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    Corky Layout, yes i am aware that the final turn goes under the lift and corner and i think drop. but its made now, i may change it tho.
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    Next is a new atraction, a family thrill and scares as Cyberdyne Systems takes over the north of Chemical Warfare... Guests now have the chance to walk up past DangerZone"photo opotunity" And Enter Cyberdyne Systems... and the new show.. Teminator 3 3D- Operation SKYNET

    After having a fall through with Universal, we belived there would be no more movie themed rides, but universal have got back to us and have agreed to allow a movie themed experience.. So now no hard feelings between the 2 corperations because now there is 3..Thorpe Point, Universal a n d >,..10/\/\=/\11 CYBERDYNE SYSTEMS, WITH SKYNET RUNNING THE SHOW. Thats right Cyberdyne Systems will offer the the latest of military saftey for Thorpe Point, You can now walk happly round and enjoy the park knowing safley that Cyberdyne Systems has your life in its hands, with the upmost inteligent computer system that is ofcourse SKYNET

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    Now i felt it had to be redone, and now i believe that Embrujado Court looks cleaner and nicer hehe, Plus i added a shop

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    There we go i hope you like it, Comment as usual its all appriciated

    Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe
  • RRP%s's Photo
    This is starting to come together really nice.All the little details are a joy to look at.However the foliage is whats letting this park down.Try to avoid random tree placement and keep it in chunks preferably away from the edge of the path.
  • Comet%s's Photo
    It's all really good except for the entrance gates which I reallydon't like.
    And there's not a single flower in the entire entrance area.
  • Ripsaw%s's Photo
    I know i said that Corkscrew would be the last rollercoaster, but i needed somthing a bit more family orientated, So now i give you the 80% Complete Runnaway Train based on the RMT at Alton Towers.
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    Also i thought i would show a little more of the Cyberdyne Building.. The far end Left part i think i may change, the Colour palete wall thingy,is bassed off the wall facing outwards from the park at USH and the middle area was to give it a dark corporate look.

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    Keep the comments coming

    Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe

    Edited by Ripsaw, 25 October 2008 - 06:29 AM.

  • Xophe%s's Photo
    Wow this is coming together really well!!
  • Nokia%s's Photo
    peeps would make this better imo.
  • Ripsaw%s's Photo
    Now adventurers of all ages can take a spin on the Runnaway Train.

    You start you adventure at the boarding platform where the 9 car train boosts onto action on a 2 minute,3lap, run over rickety bridges and low hangin beams, under a watertank, and through unsure structures, through the woods and a pitch black mine!


    Lookin down the hill through the trees as the train exits the mine section of the ride.
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    Another ride"for now" COMPLETED!

    The full layout to the Runnaway Train.
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    Comments welcome as usual

    Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe
  • JDP%s's Photo
    Damn that 4D looks good... and I hate 4D's in the game because no one ever pulls them off good, but yours looks terrific.


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