(Archive) Advertising District / ThorpePoint is back! 03/12/5 New Pics!
04-May 08
JDP Offline
Ha ha nice trav. But, yeah, point being there with Ryan always stating "8 cars" is because most of the people on this site use 9 for inverted coasters (god only knows why). So yeah, large B&M inverts always have 8 cars, however with the exception of a few B&M Batman designs and Flight Deck, some have 7 cars and I do believe one of the designs even has 6 cars.
So yeah, there's some coaster knowledge for everyone.
-JDP -
Ripsaw Offline
You have been chosen to be part of a top secret test, set by the RAF...well thats what they we were told, before bieng strapped into the Dreadnought! Described as passenger aircraft with quick escape possibitys, because of its non-pilot controlls, It knew where it had to go, but... Sytems fail and viruses take place... Well Thats what we were told, truth is i belive..OUR FLIGHT WAS PROGRAMED!
They tried to kill us... But we survived the flight... now the projects back,,, but this times it will be programed again , it will send you to your death!! And they will say, it was a malfunction, Board if you dare....... Board the Dreadnought at R.A.F.Firewall
I dont have any of the old supports on this bench so these will have to do, and they will be fully painted brown, The layout which only CP6 has seen due to MSN, Tries to harness parts of some of the major arrow suspendeds,This Bieing-Ninja and Iron Dragon at the begining, the middle section-Big Bad Wolf and the end section of has elements of Eagle Fortress and FlightDeck.
I may keep the layout pic underwraps for the moment, but 1 thing i will tell you is i demolished the MetalGearSolid Stadium, the reason being i now have somthing practical in that area and it had the perfect terrain i n the area.
Also the Area names have now been Chosen
Entrance Area-Skycoaster and Monorail MainStation
Old Thorpe Fair-Grand Carousel,and varous other old fashion rides will be here.
The Woods-Legendary, Hunter,Sierra Sidewinder and Sierra Splashdown.
The Thorpe Mines-The CoalWheel and Curse of the Darkmine
R.A.F Firewall-Virus,Ultima and Dreadnought
Elemental Insanity-Hydrator,Depth Charge,Heatwave,Psyclone,Energy Blast and Psychosis
Zepher Hill-Sky Tower and JetStream
Snowstorm Point-Snowstorm Bobrun and Unknown Rapid Ride
Chemical Warfare-Ultra Max and DangerZone
Well theres a little update to prove were not dead here lol -
JDP Offline
I don't know why. But. I really like the look of that for some reason. Try and get 7 cars on there though if you're going for realism...
Well done.
-JDPEdited by JDP, 30 September 2008 - 09:25 AM.
Xcoaster Offline
Fantastic beefy support work and landscaping.
BTW, I actually sort of agree with Kevin's dumb post. -
Ripsaw Offline
Right Work has started on the Hangar for Dreadnought, and the first tunnel has been added there will be a total of 5 tunels, the ride will fly up towards the hangar and will interact with path and a waterfall, Including a near miss with the Monorail which is inches beneath the track of the MCBR before hiting the Sinister "new programed" Flight Patern but all is goin well.
I may post a layout overview pic later on tonight
JDP.Im glad you like it and the train now has 7 cars.
XCoaster. Thankyou for the coment, I was woried about the suports and landscaping, i must admit tho i do actauly like the suports painted with the black tips and bottoms, it think it adds a Military Darkness to the ride.
Keep the comments coming
Ripsaw AKA Dan Thorpe -
Comet Offline
It looks good, I'd change the color of the covering over the queue though.
Btw, how many coasters do you have so far? -
sfgadv02 Offline
The storyline is definitely interesting. Is this screen finished or will there be more trees/bushes?? -
Ripsaw Offline
Comet. Yeah ill change the colour, give it a camouflage look, As for the coasters 11 but 12 if ya count DepthCharge, this is the last coaster tho, if anymore arive they will be lil Kiddie coasters, But hey ya dont moan at SFMM or Cedar Point lol, I give guests choice lol 2 woodies, A EuroFighter, Vekoma Custom StingRay, Arrow Suspended, Arrow 4D Coaster,Intamin SuperSplash, Intamin MegaLite, Intamin Bobsled,Intamin Inverted Impulse. Schwartzfopf Mini coaster and a B&M Floorless lol
Keep Coments coming -
Ripsaw Offline
The PAX is gone because it was horrific and SFGAVD02 Yeah there will be more bushes and trees
Keep the coments coming -
Xophe Offline
Looks good so far. I like the pattern on the supports - that's a nice touch. I take it you're going to fill in that bare patch? -
Ripsaw Offline
Goliath-Yeah ive only just realised how Intamin the park is lol, One B&M was not what i planed lol
Xophe- Thanks that really reasured me i shall keep the paterns, the bare patch is only the sandy patch from the old Ultima Queue, but yeah ill fill it in dont worry.
Keep the comments coming
Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe -
Ripsaw Offline
Goliath-Yeah ive only just realised how Intamin the park is lol, One B&M was not what i planed lol
Xophe- Thanks that really reasured me i shall keep the paterns, the bare patch is only the sandy patch from the old Ultima Queue, but yeah ill fill it in dont worry.
Keep the comments coming
Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe -
Ripsaw Offline
Goliath-Yeah ive only just realised how Intamin the park is lol, One B&M was not what i planed lol
Xophe- Thanks that really reasured me i shall keep the paterns, the bare patch is only the sandy patch from the old Ultima Queue, but yeah ill fill it in dont worry.
Keep the comments coming
Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe
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