(Archive) Advertising District / ThorpePoint is back! 03/12/5 New Pics!
04-May 08
CedarPoint6 Offline
You're getting very good. Definitely some great stuff so far and I'm looking forward to seeing you continue to improve. -
Ripsaw Offline
We've got good news and bad news.
For unexplanable reasons, Soarin'Eagle has been dismantled, the track peices have been loaded onto trucks are heading back to B&M. Were very sorry to loose the coaster.
After a law suit with Universal, which sadly we lost Cool Runnings-Olympic Experience has been canceled. This is the main reason really that we lost Soarin Eagle... to pay the law suit.
Now for the good news, MACK the original builders for Cool Runnings were very errr Annoyed about this and have agreed to design a new Bobcoaster, We can tell you now, it will be on the mountain of Soarin Eagle and will be the Worlds Longest Bobsled Coaster. With dives through caverns and valleys, and slaloms through forests and overhead helixes. Get Ready to ride SNOWSTORM MOUNTAIN-BobRun,
Lets see what ya think about the news. -
Cocoa Offline
Soaring Eagle had a sort of awkward layout and was also very bare...
and I like bobsled coasters...
so I think good move on your part! -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Inverted colors are annoying as fuck, y'know.
Anyway. Depth Charge is awesome.
-ACE -
Ripsaw Offline
Altho i aint got any pics at the moment, im just sayin that im still doin the park and it hasnt died, im just think at the moment of sum new inovatie rides and im trying to hack a Divemachine, Snowstorm Mountains layout is complete and Depth Charge had gone interactive, with a water bomb blaster located below the main drop track, with a timer box located on the path, guests pay 1 pound to set the bombs timer and it can be set up to 10 seconds, the bomb will only be elagable for detonation after the boat has left the station, time it right and i can soak the riders before they hit the splash pool,but sending them speeding into a hydro-explosion from the pump below, hehe HAVE FUN SETING OF THE BOMB, But remember just as you can soak them , when you ride your the next potential victims. HAHHAHA -
Nokia Offline
try and make a working screaming Squirrel,that would be HELLA SICKEdited by Nokia, 03 June 2008 - 01:49 PM.
Ripsaw Offline
OK SO whats been happening at the the park...Well screens are promised later today asi now have the comp problem fixed
If i can get my arse in gear ill do some more work on Darkmine and install some new flat rides, but atm the Vekoma-Stingray,is my bigest challenge because suporting is proving hard, but altho once again "thank you to CP6 who hacked the ride because i tried and failed many times." thank you. -
Ripsaw Offline
-mack bobsled-Snowstorm Mountain bobrun
-Stuntshow-Metal Gear Solid-FOXHOUND Assault
-Vekoma StingRay-(X-95 MODEL) 01010111010101 VIRUS 11010111001
Depth Charge BOMB
Ok Here we go!!!
You-The Audience has been invited to see the biggest advance for the FOXHOUND corperation.How ever the SOLID SNAKE is determined to put it to and end! As they about to detonate a Bomb!!! During the 50minute show you will witness the capture of Snake and attempted excution by REVOLVER OCELOT, as Snake escapes a battle between Snake and Ocelot begins, then SNIPER WOLF AND CYBER NINJA take to the stage!Snake battles with the 3 before a final enemy takes to stage VULCAN RAVEN! But Vulcan abandons mission and turns on the audience, fiering his rocket launcher oil pipes and metal structures sending water inthe audience and fire blasts as a high octane experience ends with a heart stopping finale of Snake having to jump of a 70ft tower in a pool of water only "5ft" deep!
The detonators are supposed to be the black pieces on the fence.
Well i hope you like what you see.
Please comment as always. -
Drew Offline
I really like Depth Charge... It looks pretty cool. A few things with these last screens though: for the Bobsled coaster... where's the mountain? And I'm kinda iffy on the Vekoma coaster. While I think it's cool, I (myself) don't like how compact it is and the supports, being so close and all, make it look cluttered. The idea/concept for the coaster is pretty cool, though. -
Louis! Offline
The Vekoma Stingray is really well done.
The seating stadium for the stunt show could be done a bit better but other than that nice screens. -
Ripsaw Offline
Update time!
2 NEW RIDES! And a SHOP altho the shop may go because i dont really like it.
We have purchased 2 rides from Mondial and are still awaiting a 3rd.So with no more wait i give to you...
Back in the days of 1998, 1 year after Ripsaw opened at Alton Towers i took a ride on The Energizer, and then Later when it became Boneshaker, I wanted my guests to be able to enjoy the same thrill i was given when I rode the Energizer, soooo. we have perchased a Mondial-Supernova! In the form of Hunter!
I know it doesnt look too good, but ive tried over and over and thats the best i could do, if you look closely you can see that the gondola is not floating and is does have the suports conecting it to the topbeam.
Ok i love pendulum rides and the FREAK OUT was my fave, but then oneday there was a advertiment on the Fantasy Island website, "coming soon AmAzInG CoNfUsIoN" And when i saw it did a full 360 i was in love with it, so smooth and thrilling,and bieng held upside down for excceses of 10 seconds, whats not to like. Anyways those who didnt see the dump place, i have attempted to re-create the Ultra Max, and it was at first just a little side project, But t had a good response so, Ultra Max, has been added not next to Danger Zone! as the area needed a flat desperatly! Anyways heres the pic.
Finaly Thorpe Point Diner, i do not honestly expect any of you to like it but its bright and funky so i thought i might show a pic lol.
Ok theres a little update.
Coming next....
Snowstorm Bobrun with the station and supporting finished.."notice no longer Snowstorm Mountain"
Curse of the Darkmine's completion...
Metal Gear Solid-Foxhound Assault completion.. -
Comet Offline
The pics would've been better if they were zoomed in but they still look nice from above. -
RRP Offline
Looks good however theres one thing im worried about with this park.All the rides seem to have nice detail and themeing to them but then there doesn't seem to be anything behind them other than trees.You need to build in some more realistic landscape features,experiment with path layouts and build some more path and layout enhancements i.e shops -
posix Offline
i agree with rrp. your ride design is fantastic but the "park design" is missing a little for me. how about you add a monorail? -
Corkscrew Offline
That is one awesome attempt at a Mondial Ultramax. I love the way you executed the slanted supporting structure.
Hunter at the other hand lacks refinement. You can easily guess what the CR is meant to represent, but there are better ways to recreate it (vertical coaster track is, in my eyes, a no-no). -
ClockworkMyr Offline
I am loving Virus, especially the supports and track, the station also looks good. I can tell the park is still under construction, and I also agree with posix, a transport ride should go in there at some point soon. -
Ripsaw Offline
Ok ill make this quick as i gota make sum funky screens lol, but The park now has a Monorail! WOOO Transport! And i finaly have made a 2 Bars which i actually like! And they are the Shooters Bar, a place where i used to go in real life untill it burnt down. And Near DangerZone, The chemical/radiation themed FallOut Bar. I have been doing some more coaster designs,well i need somthing else for the little ones, but we was invaded by PAX Company and we have been dumped with a custom version of there Cobra Ride. Altho when we let sum guests test it, it proved to be quite a hit.So it may stay... but who knows, if it launches the name will be Venom and will be located opersite the Psyclone. We have been on the phone to S&S and plans have been submitted for a 270ft Triple DropTower, altho if we may have one of the towers as a launch. The ride has been submited to be located at the back of the park. near Virus and MGS-FHA. 1 theme has been put through that the towers are for observation only, nearing the top onboard speakers alert the riders that a notorious hacker has infultrated the system, when u hit the top the speakers blast out with SYSTEM SHUTDOWN! with that you drop 250ft feet in a matter or seconds.Planed name is Hacker! Right well i hope you like the sounds of that im off to make some screens, for a very exciting update.
Next Screens to look forward to:
Curse Of the Darkmine -update-
Snowstorm bobrun -update-
Monorail Screens
Shooters Bar
Proposed S&S Tower -HACKER-
PAX Co,Custom Cobra -Venom-
Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think.
Ripsaw -CanYouCutIt!- -
Ripsaw Offline
No usless banter, unless totaly needed lol, so lets get on with the screens.
The Entrance,Season Pass Office and the Monorail
Virus Ride Sign and just oposite Virus, The Next Gen S&S Freefall Hacker!
Radiation Zone! -DangerZone new entrance and FallOut Bar!
VENOM IS STAYING! our custom PAX cobra! Altho were still waiting for the cobras head!
SnowStorm bobrun has been loaded with NewDesigned trains
Well there we go, im sorry for no darkmine! But it will be more worth the wait when you see it! On the release.
Please comment, ur opinions are highly valued!
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