(Archive) Advertising District / ThorpePoint is back! 03/12/5 New Pics!
04-May 08
Liampie Offline
Sure this park is good, but a spotlight, really? There's nothing jawdropping for me except for the quantity, although I actually think there's a coaster-overkill. Foliage and architecture are lacking, although not bad; just not spotlight worthy to me. Gold should be very fitting and I'm pretty sure your next park is a Spotlight, Ripsaw!
Some feedback:
- The tower on the last screen looks very bad. Some walltextures are useless and look forced, the small tower on top (tower on a tower?) is seriously misplaced. I think a flat roof would look best here.
- Some screen have way too little colours compared to other screens. The contrast hurts.
Good luck! Maybe you'll surprise me. I hope you do. -
Ripsaw Offline
A winters tale ......
On a cold winters night many a year ago Cyrus Hamilton- a collector of antiquities from around the globe arived back in his home, the Castle on a most familiar hill, now known as snowstorm point.
As with any of his finds he threw a huge party in celebration, but tonight as was not going to go as usual.
After a trip to Asia he returned with an artifact like none other, a ball no bigger than a tennis ball with the effect of bieng made out of glass, ectched into the ball was a blue eye with a magnificent tribal design.
As the party went into full swing he made an anouncement that at 12 o'clock he was going to do a Ouija board seance in the grand hall and all who would be brave enough would be welcomed at the table, In hope to find out more about his latest find, all he knew was that the eye was said to have the power to freeze time and was imposible to destroy..By human hands atleast.
As clock chimed 11pm many left but around 20 stayed and filed into the hall to marvel at Cyrus's latest find.
The seance began at 11:30pm and Cyrus took to the lead and called for the spirits to come forward..
What is your name spirit
You know me Cyrusssss and i know YOU!
Who are you spirit...
You know not my name but you do my appearanceeee
Who...are you
What you talking about... i never killed anyone!
Spirit you are weak why do you not talk through the board!
I need not talk through the board, you do not know what the eye is capable of....if it breaks you will all dieeeee
You know nothing the eye freezes time and canot be broken! Now leave you inferior being, you can do nothing to us, you are dead, now leave or talk through the board you voice disgusts me.
A S T H E H O U R T O L E S 1 2 Y O U R F A T E W I L L B E S E A L E D He spoke through the board.
What do you mean you can do nothing!!
Believe what you must... the eye cannot be destroyed... By Humans at least but i am not human and i can!
With that the eye flew up towards the ceiling of the roof out of the reach of all below
Your hour draws near.......your hour is now!!.... But the hour shall never end and your souls shall never leave after you dieeeee, for this castle will be frozen in time!You shall be dead but never shall leave, your bodies shall stay but you shall not breathe Goodnight Cyrus..
With that the bell toled and the eye rocketed down towards the floor, many ran for the doors but it was too late, the eye had shatterd on the floor and cyrus was the first, frozen to the spot he stood as the curse the spirit just placed took effect, within seconds all within became part of the castle and the dark powers the spirit placed, the clock frozen on the 12 never to leave the hour...the hour that trapped them all within the castle on a most formidable hill, in snowstorm point.
Present Day
2 weeks ago we sent in team of investigators after managing to open the castle doors, we have not seen of them since,this is no longer a investigation but a rescue mission, are you brave enough to enter the castle knowing of its past! Its upto you if you dare but beware them that are frozen might not be as welcoming as we are....
Venture if you dare in 2010Edited by Ripsaw, 07 December 2009 - 01:38 PM.
RRP Offline
Sure this park is good, but a spotlight, really? There's nothing jawdropping for me except for the quantity, although I actually think there's a coaster-overkill. Foliage and architecture are lacking, although not bad; just not spotlight worthy to me. Gold should be very fitting and I'm pretty sure your next park is a Spotlight, Ripsaw!
Some feedback:
- The tower on the last screen looks very bad. Some walltextures are useless and look forced, the small tower on top (tower on a tower?) is seriously misplaced. I think a flat roof would look best here.
- Some screen have way too little colours compared to other screens. The contrast hurts.
Good luck! Maybe you'll surprise me. I hope you do.
agreed theres plently to look at and lots of nice rides but everything else is below par imo.
Good luck on finishing such a huge project though -
Ripsaw Offline
Hey sorry ive been working and when i get back im rather tired.
Thorpe Point is still going don't worry =]
Just some rather big improvements need to be made such as the next twist in the thorpepoint tail....
The Psyclone has suffered a severe fire due to a staff member smoking while doing a track walk, the parks oldest coaster im afraid has been gutted.
But in a new move by the park a new DarkRide is underconstruction and is about 80% Complete
A dark ride that combines roaming a forgotten jungle into a ethreal territory, down a raging cascade in the heart of a flooded cave, a rollercoaster ride down claustraphobic mines, tetering on the edge of Xibulba and facing the 8legged guardian of the ancient lost city of gold... all on Eldorado Adventure =] -
Splitvision Offline
I hope you fired (haha) the smoker, or atleast downgraded him to sweeping paths!
The description of the darkride waters my mouth, I demand a screen! -
T.N.T. Offline
^^^ Either that or put 'em in a cage.
The dark ride sounds interesting. Will definitely check back when we get pics.
Wait a sec- are you basing the ride off the animated movie? And does this mean that the Quicksilver Territory area will expan into Thorpe Street? -
Ripsaw Offline
The Ride is not based on the film and it shall not be in Quicksilver Territory but on ThorpeStreet.
The Ride takes place in Building on the end of thorpe street, and the ride starts off in a room in the building, you then pass through a "gate" i.e a magical artifact that was designed for quick accses to Eldorado but unfortunatly the incantation isnt as acurate as the text makes out and strands you in the jungle where the ride begins and a tribe member guides you through your quest.
It will be an interesting ride and im determined to fix it well into the exsisting shops on the street. -
Welshcraft Offline
As smoking should not be aloud in theme parks even according to law in Britain if its based in England. if not then. I am sad to see the woodie go too.I hope you fired (haha) the smoker, or atleast downgraded him to sweeping paths!
The description of the darkride waters my mouth, I demand a screen! -
K0NG Offline
As smoking should not be aloud....
I smoke quietly.
Your pun barometer seems to be out of whack as well there SSSammy."with discretion" would be a better discription, K0NG
Ripsaw Offline
Well the time has come for another update!!
Work has increased on Snowstorm Castle and Eldorado Adventure is nearing completion.
Hope you like the piccys below.
Eldorado Adventure.....
This shot shows the extent of the ride
And here is the updated
Snowstorm Castle home to the other darkride which i as of yet have no suitable name.
And here is the new entrance to the castle not the queue
Also note Mama Liz's on the left, it is a cocktail bar named after the Real Mama Liz's in Stamford,UK
Well there ya go please let me know what you think.
Dan Thorpe
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