(Archive) Advertising District / ThorpePoint is back! 03/12/5 New Pics!
04-May 08
Ripsaw Offline
Hey peeps i got rid of the PAX Ride due to the fact it just looked odd in its place, if people would like to see the return of it i can see what i can do.
New pics should be up tomorow =] -
Jaguar Offline
Hey peeps i got rid of the PAX Ride due to the fact it just looked odd in its place, if people would like to see the return of it i can see what i can do.
New pics should be up tomorow =]
I think that the pax coaster would be good near the edge of the map, it was a great idea for a ride though.
Another request, I know that you are prabably sick of me asking you, but can you re-release this park?
http://forums.nedesi...showtopic=16990 -
Liampie Offline
Another request. Can you please, PLEASE turn off your capslock? The topic title is really annoying right now. I didn't mind when your computer went nuts but this is totally unnecessary.
Looking forward screens! -
Luketh Offline
But no, really.. it's pretty obnoxious, every time I see the title it's like I'm being screamed at... -
Austin55 Offline
I am excited to see some screens. I havent seen anything new in this thread since I regestered here. I love what youve done thus far.
And yes, that topic title... -
Ripsaw Offline
Heres the new pics
The New Sonic Coaster mainly themed on the Marble Garden levels
Going in against "the boss"
The Chemical Alley-Completed-I really liked this shot =]
Quicksilver Canyon Station and the New chinese themed eatery
The Topspin is FireSpin
and finaly 4 new game buildings and the backstage of La Fontana
Well there ya go, were back on track and i hope you like what you see, please comment either good or bad =]
Ripsaw -
Xcoaster Offline
Wow, looking good. I really like that Sonic coaster because the rings and theming interaction are evocative of the game, and the custom flat looks good, but all the screens have something nice to them -
fraroc Offline
I have been reading through this topic, Is you posts in chronological order? Because the timline is going all crazy! -
T.N.T. Offline
Sonic coaster is sweet! It's very simplistic, but it has that kind of charm you see in the old Sonic games. I also like how you incorporated the rings into the ride. Very cool, as well. The rapids ride isn't complete, right? Cuz some of it's sections look incomplete. -
Steve Offline
That Sonic coaster is one of the best ideas I have seen here in a LONG time. Really nice stuff, here! -
The supports for the lift hill on the sonic coaster look a little dainty...maybe you could fatten them up some how? But that's just me. Other than that it is indeed a nicely themed ride.
All of the screens are nice and colorful, and even though there is relatively minimal landscaping you still manage to create a charming atmosphere! Nice touch with that back lot area with the dumpsters. -
posix Offline
so glad this project is back ...
the chemical area looks great. such a hard theme so well pulled off. well done.
how much % is this project? -
Louis! Offline
That sonic coaster is really nice. I can hear the sound effects now when the train goes through those rings -
Ripsaw Offline
Hey thanks for the comments peeps
Louis-Thanks very much =]
Posix-Thanks, thats the one area that i thought would be the hardest, but once i got the buildings slotted in it started to fall together, and the park hmm i duno but i can safley say were past the halfway mark =]
SGT Blooper- i shall see what i can do
Steve- Im really suprised by that comment because its just a simple family coaster lol
TNT-Thanks glad you like it, And the rapids is not complete yet...big project lol
Fraroc-Ill do a read me with the file lol
Luketh-Thanks very much
Xcoaster-Thanks i was worried i hadnt pulled of the Sonic feel but the comments have really suprised me and im glad you like the Ultra Max, im pretty sure altho not positive that its the first Custom Mondial Ultra Max on the site =]
Thanks for the comments keep em coming!
Im off to go see Saw6 now
And i shall try to get another update soon, thankyou for being patient and external copies of the SV6 are being made so the apocalyse shall not return.
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