(Archive) Advertising District / ThorpePoint is back! 03/12/5 New Pics!
04-May 08
Ripsaw Offline
Internets gona mess up if i spend too much time doin this so here goes
Chem Warfare Area almost Complete
And the New Restaurant and side games
Please tell me what you think all comments welcome -
Ripsaw Offline
Today may be a very very very sad day....
Ill tell you whats happened and any advice will be gladly appriciated..
For the last couple of days my PC has been un expectidlly turning its self off and the RCT2 Screen has been shifiting into almost lightning style psychadelic colour changes..Usually after hackin but thats been usuall, today i was on NoLimits and all off a sudden the comp turned off, now i just swore and got a little angry and went to start up the computor as usual but this time it wont turn back on... i get a little red light on the front of the Tower but then nothing no power... Now you all know what this means... If the computor is well and truely f****ed
i will lose everything.. 5 Years of memories and all of my RCT2.. That means ThorpePoint ThemePark will be No more..
If anyone knows anything please please comment or get intouch..
Thorpe Point hangs in the balance if all goes to the worst scenario.. there will never be a completed thorpe point release..
Please Please if you can help please do =[ -
Nokia Offline
this has happened to me before but it was a couple of years ago.
i think i just replaced the fan or whatever in the back and everything was okay, but i lost everything. but then again this was a couple of years ago and could be totally different then what happened to you computer. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
At the very least, I have an old file. So it's not totally gone.
That said, I hope you can get it back! -
Comet Offline
Same thing happened to me a couple of years back.
Thankfully I didn't have anything too important on it except my first RCT parks and all the beaten scenarios.
Hopefully you figure out what to do though. -
turbin3 Offline
I dont know if it work, but maybe you can take off the hdd of your pc and try too connect it with another pc...
But i really dont know, if it works. -
Cena Offline
I dont know if it work, but maybe you can take off the hdd of your pc and try too connect it with another pc...
But i really dont know, if it works.
Yep, that was my first thought too, take the HDD out of it, and try to connect it to a other pc. Maybe you can save the files like this. And after you have saved them, backup them somewhere! -
SSSammy Offline
i would have thought hard drive removal would have been obvious.
my computer died a while back and everything was fine. -
Video_Kid Offline
My shitty computer does the same thing.
Try this: Open up your side, and vacuum the filter out, then you can either leave the side off, or put it back on. Then grab a fan and aim it towards the filter or atleast the inside part. Leave it there for a bit so the dust can clear out and the computer can cool down.
That's my advice, and it worked for me. -
BelgianGuy Offline
Man I know how it feels
3days ago my computer crashed too and I almost lost my Busch gardens South America that has been going on TPR for some time, my brother took the hard drive and plugged it into another computer at my home, downloaded some HD data recovery software and got all my saves and OBJdata back, my best advice is to do the same if you know how to do this.Edited by BelgianGuy, 17 May 2009 - 12:27 PM.
Louis! Offline
I had this same problem. We got some computer guy in to take a look and he opened it up to find that the computer was caked in dust, overheating the computer which was causing it to do what yours is doing.
All he did was get a hoover and remove all the dust and it worked like a charm. -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Yep, dust is your problem.
If not, take out the hard drive. This should be fairly easy if you have a desktop. Connections are pretty well standardized amongst computers, so any other windows machine should be able to download the files off the drive (replace the original temporarily if you have to.)
-ACE -
JDP Offline
Every thing said above just goes to show how awesome this community actually is.
-JDPEdited by JDP, 18 May 2009 - 01:25 PM.
RCTNW Offline
and then we have Kevin. Everyone is posting ideas as to how it can be saved and what options you have. Kevin is once agin thinking about himself and as usual, providing nothing to the conversation.
I too had a similar problem and it was indeed dust. I now take all our PC's outside every 6 months, open the case and blow out the dust with compressed air. I recommend to anyone who hasn't cleaned out the inside to do it now.
JDP - you hit the nail on the head. -
Ripsaw Offline
Right appparently it could be the battery on the motherboard thats gone..my other halfs comp did the same thing and hadnt turned on for 2years so we swapped the batterys and there was just enough power to run his for bout 5 mins,now apparently it only runs the LED on the front but the computer cant turn on all the componants untill the LED And the turn on switch gives all clear for the comp to start so all going well after ive dusted everything a new battery should give new life... fingers crossed i mean it had to go at some point its been in there for 5 years lol
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