(Archive) Advertising District / ThorpePoint is back! 03/12/5 New Pics!
04-May 08
Ripsaw Offline
Ok Update time, im goin to work in 4 hours so i thought betta get and update in.
Ok so the layout for the rapid ride is complete, altho not im not showing all that yet, the spiral lift is in place, and ive removed Hydrator as that shall be rethemed and moved to another area of the park.In its place is the parks McDonalds Restaurant.
Ok heres the pics.
And heres the maccy ds altho im not sure weather i like it, i hate doin shops cuz i suck at them, but i think the problem is it seems to low, so i may have to raise it up abit. -
Comet Offline
Maybe raise the left half of the building another ten feet and put a playground in there or something. Seems big enough.
The first screens look really great though. -
Kevin Enns Offline
[additions in [sqaure brackets []] mine]I [fucking] hate McDonald's [with a fucking burning passion], but to make it look better you should indeed raise it.
The rides, on the other hand, look stunning. This rapid ride may go down in the annals of RCT history as one of the best. -
Katapultable Offline
Terrible!? Moi? I just don't like McDonald's, so what? I like the third screen. Is that a new coaster? And Kevin, stay away from my posts! -
Pudding Offline
It would als look better to make the 'M' of McDonald's with quarterblocks, instead of those thin stripes. -
Todd Lee Offline
It would als look better to make the 'M' of McDonald's with quarterblocks, instead of those thin stripes.
Do ^. The M is so small, I didn't even notice it the first go-round. -
Ripsaw Offline
Small update... Heres the map so far lol Merry Christmas.. Oh and as a lil sneak preview and christmas suprise you will also find some pictures of the Journey To Atlantis im making.. not for the park just for fun, but the layout is a near recreation of the Florida one... -
Katapultable Offline
Very nice. Only try to fill up the small grassfields between the areas. Other than that it looks good. I'd say send it in for an accolade.
The Journey to Atlantis looks beautifull -
spartan Offline
Journey to Atlantis looks great but that building would be sooo much better if it had texture. -
Ripsaw Offline
Thanks for all the comments guys, like i said and still promise, TPTP IS STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE, so dont worry lol..
Now 3 more piccys of JTA for your viewing pleasure, i hope you like them all.
By the way if anyone has any "Artist Concept"work on the Florida Ride if you could post a link that would be great thank you.
Ok onto the pics.
(The most famous part)
(The Back Section)
(The Overview so far)
There they are =]
Comments always apreciated as usual.
Ripsaw AKA DanThorpe
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