(Archive) Advertising District / Zippo's Wacky World of Wonders

  • lucas92%s's Photo

    Very nice screens!

    Something about the first screen is boring. I can't really put my finger on it. Maybe it's the colors, or the path... I don't really know.


    Maybe because of the fact that the screen is unfinished? :p

    Great screens! Realy, it's Parkmaker quality. :)
  • RCTFAN%s's Photo
    That is by far the best bunch of screens i've seen in ages. The creativity is overflowing and the execution is flawless. You've reminded me why i love this game.
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    the first couple of screens aren't that amazing in my opinion, but everything from the last screen in your first post is lovely, beautiful, creative, well executed etc.
    great work.
    I still remember that weather themed park you were working on when i joined here. that was very inspiring.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I'm dislike the way you use colors, but the creativity compensates that very well. I even love it, there are really a lot of good ideas there!
  • bernts matte%s's Photo
    Wow epic screens Xophe, really fantasic work ^^

    The third screen fantastic, You make me wana play some RCT 2 now xD

    As said Parkmaker quality.

    Keep this up, Cant w8 to see more :)
  • Comet%s's Photo
    Wow that's all amazing.
    Please continue...
  • disneylhand%s's Photo
    The purple roof is ugly boo hoo!

  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo

    Who the fuck are you, and why the hell have I never heard of you.

    Amazing stuff here. Amazing.

  • ivo%s's Photo
    The first screen is beautifull but i think you should do some with the dirt land. Maybe turn it into a other landtype or just put some bushes on it.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    I really like the second picture...the track is very good i think.
  • nin%s's Photo
    Im sorry but I dont really like it. Nor do I think it's "amazing". Yes, it's all good, but nothing really stands out for me. Take your last screen, there's some excellent ideas like the exhibits, the snail theatre, the Forbidden City-esque entrance, but nothing "amazing". The same goes with the first screen. The only pic I particularly liked was the 2nd. It's great. It has a nice, natural atmosphere to it, and I just like that style.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    Yes. Good work.

    The Intamin looks great man.
  • Xophe%s's Photo
    Wow, thanks for all the replies!
    I really hope I manage to finish this at some point - I have so many half-done projects kicking around. I've already been working on this park on-and-off for more than a year, and it's around 200 rct years old! Making it peep-friendly is also pretty hard - they are so stupid and get lost all the time!


    Milo: all the waterslide track (bar one of the 2 semi-circular parts) is the actual ride.

    Wicksteed: I managed to get that weather park off my old computer recently. It was huge - I don't think I would've been able to finish it. It had some good ideas but looking at it now, it's not that great haha!

    ivo: the first screen is still being worked on. I'll sort out that bare land.

    nin: fair enough. Hopefully when it's all put together you might like it more.

    Everyone else: thanks very much!

    Hopefully I'll have another update before too long.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    The giant snail is genius. Great stuff.
  • Sey%s's Photo
    That`s brilliant!
    The coaster on the second picture looks very smooth, I like it most of all.
    But the others are great too, the path looks a bit empty^^
    And what about the snail? I don`t know what it has to do there :kumbasgreen:
    Keep it up! ;)
  • Drew%s's Photo
    Those last screens are amazing! I can't wait to see more.
  • ClockworkMyr%s's Photo
    This is the kind of park I like: Realistic, yet stays extremely creative. :) I love every single bit of all the screens posted personally (I'm way too undercriticizing).
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    Wow...this park wins. Only thing I found slightly strange is that Meltdown seems to go abruptly from industrial area to a forest area, didnt really go with the theme.
  • postit%s's Photo

    You are one of my RCT idols and the fact that you have returned totally brightens my day. Billerica Bay is one of my favorite parks of all time!!! (my solo park which has been in the works since December '04 is heavily influenced by it!!)

    This looks incredible. Slightly more adventurous than your older work, but still retaining your style! Keep it up.

    Edited by postit, 28 June 2008 - 05:05 PM.

  • Xophe%s's Photo
    Thanks everyone for the replies!

    Here's an update.

    When working on the Chinese-themed area of the park, I kept getting annoyed that there weren't any decent oriental roofs. The existing ones are good, but not all that realistic. I noticed that Chinese roofs usually curve upwards at the corners, and the existing RCT ones just go flat. So I decided to make my own! The final product isn't that exciting but I'm pretty pleased with it. Below are some screens of where I used my new corner roof.

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    Anyway, aside from that, I've started a new area of the park. It's themed to my home country, Scotland.
    The following screen is of an area themed to the coastal fishing towns near St Andrews where I go to uni.

    Posted Image

    Hope you enjoy!


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