Micro Madness / Micro Madness Championship
01-April 08
Xcoaster Offline
Yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious who did what. I initially thought this round was going to be a lot closer than it was too.
Adrenaline Estates was a good concept, and mostly well executed, but as others have said, the total lack of coherence in the main building ruined it. If you had just stuck to a few colors and textures, it would've been great. But as it is, it didn't look like a building. The inside stuff was well done though.
I don't mind losing to the Rosetta Sphere, as I could tell once I opened it that I was going down. The coaster was nifty, there were plenty of details, everything was well constructed, and the backstory was cool (BTW, the word you were looking for was 'Spire'). The only thing going against it is that you've made several parks before this with very similar themes, so it didn't feel entirely fresh.
Glass Castle Heights was a solid entry. It seemed to me like a Japanese FEC, especially due to the inclusion of the Moonsault Scramble clone (major props there. I don't think I've seen one before, and that boomerang type element in particular seems like one we should've seen elsewhere by now). I think if voting had been done differently, you would've gotten third, as I think you deserved it. Anyways, I was a little worried we'd do the same theme again, but luckily this time you only had 'Twist and Shout.'
As for my own entry, I'm now playing with the idea of expanding it into a larger setting (I'm sure I won't though; there is just a lot more I could do with it). I also originally tried to make an El Loco for the main coaster, and LSD was originally a Condor, but it took up too big of a footprint. Anyways, for my next entry I had planned a Metalocalypse themed park as a contrast with this one. Probably would've been called 'Dethpark.' -
5dave Offline
Anyways, for my next entry I had planned a Metalocalypse themed park as a contrast with this one. Probably would've been called 'Dethpark.'
I love you!
Oh and finish that Futurama Micro
"MFG" -
Steve Offline
Oh, it's supposed to be Rosetta "Spire"? Makes a lot more sense than "sphere". Good job on the win, Kumba! -
Kumba Offline
Well it is awesome to win a major NE contest and I really need to thank everyone who voted for me. In your shoes I would have had a very hard time picking between my entry and Ryan's. I love what he did and it is the perfect 'theme' park and it is even more awesome coz it was themed to something everyone knows about and mostly enjoys. The only thing is these kinds of parks don't take that much effort, tho Ryan did manage to do it skillfully.
As for my own entry I had pictured it being much taller and have have even more things going on, but I got lazy and went with my old stand by of building what I think someone else might do. I was going for a Cork + 5Dave look, but yeah it had many of my own staples. Also it was very hard to add my normal details thx to all the peeps and this was the first time I had them in one of my parks since Dimensions... the first one!
And I did not cheat, Xin. Tho I did vote for my entry 2 extra times to balance out the vote docking, but I removed both votes before I made it go final, with them I was up 27-22. I think it's clear that I got the most votes and am the worthy and rightful winner. Still I was uncomfortable being in this contest when I created it and made the seedings (which was pretty random) and then yeah, I kinda own NE. I might sit the PT3 finals out coz I don't like people suspecting that I am cheating. However that idea is kinda silly coz we will have judges and my entry is more then half done
I think I did a pretty good job in this contest and am very proud to have won it. I think the Falls of Time was my best entry and still am kicking myself for using it in round 2. I think the LOTRs entry's base section was maybe my best example ever of pulling off a theme that was not born in my own head (the best from in my head is the Valley of Sand in DRC, by far).
So thanks again to everyone who voted for me... even if I might have voted for The Beatles if in your shoes -
Camcorder22 Offline
Anyways, for my next entry I had planned a Metalocalypse themed park as a contrast with this one. Probably would've been called 'Dethpark.'
Yeah I would love to see that done, I was actually thinking about doing a metal tribute park eventually. And my Dual Guitar Solo micro was kind of an attempt on the idea. But if you did a Metalocalypse park, it would be my most favorite blacker than the blackest park times infinity. -
FullMetal Offline
So it was completely random that I got stuck with RRP in the first round and almost had an anxiety attack just because of all the pressure, and then almost had a heart attack when I found out I won? You're trying to kill me aren't you?Still I was uncomfortable being in this contest when I created it and made the seedings (which was pretty random)
Again though, congrats. It was a nice entry, and one that I will look back at from time to time. -
Mr J Offline
Well there are 4 legal benches
I know the maker of Rosetta did not mean to add anything, so I hope that 4th "peep" bench does the trick.
I can't seem to download the third bench, is there a reason? I'm new here, so do I have to have a certain number of posts, os is this something else? If you could help, that would be nice. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
I think you should be fine with posts... as far as I know nothing like that is in place. Is the download just dead?
If you're just looking to open these, then you may be able to just download them and the objects should be installed when you open (I'm sure if these are exported). Try that, and if you can't open them then repost and I can look into why that 3rd bench isn't going for you (or I can just send an exported version of the parks you want). Thanks!
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