General Chat / What Internet browser are you using

  • Drew%s's Photo

    Safari, on Windows.

  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    Moz 99% of the time w/ use of the "Open in IE Tab".

    I like tabs. Make research much easier when cycling back and forth between tabs.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Opera has some glitches... but really, it has all the best features of mozilla I've seen anyway, like the tabs. Coolest part of Opera is the mouse shortcuts.

    Left click then right click = Next page
    Right click then left click = Back page
    hold right click and use the scroll wheel to cycle through tabs like alt + tab
    and lots that i havent bothered to learn.
  • Ride6%s's Photo


    Safari, on Windows.



    Why the fuck would you let Apple turn your life into the iLife?

    Mozilla Firefox for me, of course.

  • Casimir%s's Photo
    I'm using the beta 4 of FireFox 3
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    I was using Firefox 3 before, but a popup came up from Apple saying that Safari was available to download. So I thought I'd try it out and have sort of stuck with it since. I actually prefer it tbh, I love the address bar/loading bar (which removes the bar from the bottom of the window), the spellchecker (which I know FF has but havn't noticed it on there), and just the general modern look and layout to it.

    <3 safari.
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Opera has some glitches... but really, it has all the best features of mozilla I've seen anyway, like the tabs. Coolest part of Opera is the mouse shortcuts.

    Left click then right click = Next page
    Right click then left click = Back page
    hold right click and use the scroll wheel to cycle through tabs like alt + tab
    and lots that i havent bothered to learn.

    normal people just use a 5 button mouse for the next and back :p .
  • trav%s's Photo
    Internet Explorer for me. I think Mozilla looks ugly, and I just don't like safari. Opera is alright, but meh. IE works fine, so I don't see the point in switching.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    Opera has some glitches... but really, it has all the best features of mozilla I've seen anyway, like the tabs. Coolest part of Opera is the mouse shortcuts.

    Left click then right click = Next page
    Right click then left click = Back page
    hold right click and use the scroll wheel to cycle through tabs like alt + tab
    and lots that i havent bothered to learn.

    You know what else is awesome. Mouse gestures.
  • JJ%s's Photo

    Internet Explorer for me. I think Mozilla looks ugly, and I just don't like safari. Opera is alright, but meh. IE works fine, so I don't see the point in switching.

    lol if you think it looks ugly just use an ie skin...
  • trav%s's Photo

    lol if you think it looks ugly just use an ie skin...

    Why do that when I can just use IE?
    It saves a few MB of disk space that I might use otherwise. Plus, I won't ever use any of the mozilla Add-Ons. I don't see the need for them.
  • woofenskid%s's Photo
    Mozilla. With a kickass red and gold skin.
    I'll never go back to IE, I love my mozilla. Tabs are cool, customization is cool, and I love how friendly it is.
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    i use mozilla. not having tabs would frustrate me.
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    Since I was forced to use IE at uni I can say, it has tabbed browsing finally.

    Using Firefox at home. Switching between version 2 and the beta version of version 3, depending on if I need colour management or not ...

    Need to get Webkit running though. First browser reaching full score on the acid3 test. Just test your IE to see how it sucks. FF isn't perfect either, but still a whole lot better.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Apparently the new Opera passes the acid3 test?
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Wow. The acid3 test crashed Opera at 26 or so.

    At least Firefox passed 50.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Safari got 75 on that testy thing
  • trav%s's Photo
    IE got 5.
  • Levis%s's Photo

    IE got 5.

    what IE are you using?
    IE7.0 got 12
  • trav%s's Photo

    what IE are you using?
    IE7.0 got 12

    I'm using IE6.0 on the laptop.


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