Fiesta! / RCT3 Dark Ride!

  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    Just a dark ride i made inspired by Indiana Jones. Enjoy! :D





  • CedarPoint6%s's Photo
    I respect anyone who's got the patience to deal with the RCT3 interface. It looks really great. You can definitely tell you put some good time into this. The theming/atmosphere seems really awesome. Good choice of theme too!
  • Comet%s's Photo
    ^I agree with that.
    I wish it was a little darker in the building though, it would make for a better that possible to do?
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Great stuff TC! Like other have stated, working with RCT3 alone is a feat in itself but to do the detail work like this makes it even more impressive. Will you be making a movie out of this?

    Thanks for sharing!

    James - rctnw
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Yeah, RCT3 could be great if performance issues would be solved.. But that doesn't seem to be the case so I'll just stick to rct2 until I can have a supercomputer :p
    But ontopic, looks like it will be a fun ride.. You should've turned it to night-time though, would've looked darker ;)

  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments everyone!

    CedarPoint6- Thanks! It did take a couple days to build, and yes, RCT3 is a pain to build in. Really, this is most likely the last work i do in RCT3. RCT2 tears the game a new one so it's back to the isometric view for me!

    Comet- I believe there's black roofs and walls custom scenery which make more realistic dark rides, but i don't have the set installed. Guess i could have, but didn't feel like looking for them and adding the pieces to the ride's building after finishing and just wanted to do ahead and post the screens. Thanks.

    RCTNW- Appreciate the comment! Movie? Probably not. This is just something i did for fun and don't take it serious enough to make one. Honestly, i don't think it's even good enough to make a movie out of anyway. :lol:

    Six Frags- Opps! Didn't even think to turn night mode on!lol. Glad it looks fun though and thanks for the comment!
  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    Great to see more work from you TC! It looks very nice and snazzy. Something I would probably you know where you got those rocks. I've seen them in many parks but have not found out how to get em. Could you direct me in the right direction or gimme a download link?

    Thanks and keep it up! :mantis:

  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    Sure! They're here Just look for "Marnetmar's Leftoverz". Hope that helps! :)
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    That just looks really really cool. Kind of makes me jealous given the speed at which my computer handles RCT3. How do you go about construction? (i.e. save the roof for last?)
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    Yes sir. I do the layout, theming ect. and save the building for the ride last. ;)


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