Micro Madness / #1 Corkscrewed vs. #14 Camcorder22
05-February 08
geewhzz Offline
I'd like to say something on this: If you are playing to become Parkmaker then you aren't playing the game for the right reasons to begin with. It's something to shoot for but it really shouldn't matter in the long run. Play for enjoyment, not recognition. I think that's one of the major differences from the past and now. People got Parkmaker status after a lot of time and effort put into something they enjoy... not because being a Parkmaker was their main goal. Sadly this has changed pretty quickly over the past couple of years and people have tried to get recognition with every park they start. Nobody tries to just improve with a number of parks, they just seem to want to get the best accolade they can with their newest solo, which they'll never finish anyway due to insane detail expectations. So while lowering standards to actually keep the hierarchy of NE functioning is tough to accept, my advice to all those who are all that worked up about it (and still play)is that you should rethink your priorties.
What the hell are you talking about? That's like saying NFL players aren't playing to win the Superbowl. Go away. -
Carl Offline
gw, you are only playing for that PM spot? How disappointing...
Play for enjoyment, not recognition. -
Steve Offline
The whole premise of this site is to be noticed. Seriously, when you first joined NE, did you really think to yourself "I'm going to play for myself and pay no attention to winning Spotlights or contests"? I doubt it. The whole name of the game here is recognition, and if you are playing for yourself while you do it, then good for you, I admire that kind of attitude. I mean, look what kind of thread you're posting in: it's about a contest! NE has always thrived on competition, not about simply enjoying the game. That just happened to be a welcome bonus for some of us, but it's not what it's about entirely. -
geewhzz Offline
Oh, excuse me? Are we not in a contest thread? Anyone that browses these forums posting screens in a sense isn't "playing for themselves" so don't give me that bullshit. Let alone the people that join a contest here. I'm so sick of all of the RCT "philosophers" here. Log off and go fucking build something. Oh wait, that's right, you are building stuff, but for yourself only. That's why we never see anything from you. My mistake. -
trav Offline
What the hell are you talking about? That's like saying NFL players aren't playing to win the Superbowl. Go away.
Sorry but that made me LOL.
1. Is Rct a sport? No, it's a computer game that was invented for leisure.
2. Do you get payed for playing Rct? No, unless Kumba is paying you to make parks or something.
Comparing a sport where each player gets payed like, $50,000 a week, and then gets an extra bonus if they win the Superbowl, to a game that in all truth, most people around here take too seriously, and could do with pulling their head out of the clouds for just a moment, is quite possibly the most retarded thing I've heard this year. Congrats.
Milo Offline
there's a difference between having people see your work that you enjoyed making and saying things like "gosh I wanted to be a Parkmaker so bad and now the standards are low so that cheapens it." to me that's a bad way to play this game.
and if you don't agree with that I'm cool but don't make this an accolade war or say shit like "go away" or some pointless NFL analogy.I expected more from you that crap like that... plus at NE arguments start anywhere so no point in being so literal about it.
oh and I'd just like to add...
Build what you want and enjoy it. -
Marshy Offline
Man I can't believe how out of hand this topic has gone. I didn't mean to start all this shit guys, so I do apologise for posting my previous post in this topic.
You want me to be completely truthful?
The only time I've EVER fully enjoyed playing rct is before I even joined the community, when I was fighting my way through the scenarios on the original game. I stopped playing because I realised that I wasn't playing for pleasure of the game, I was playing to win stuff and become 'well known'. I'm actually going to reinstall the original and play the scenarios, because thats what the original game was designed for and what I enjoyed doing the most.
Oh, and WME..please repost your 'deleted' post, as I would like to know what it said.
MarshyEdited by Marshy, 06 February 2008 - 05:01 PM.
Levis Offline
okay I knew there where some people here that where building only for fame but I didn't expect it to be so many. I totally agree with trav, well almost totally. The game is indeed made to have fun, I know some people have fun with it while competing but it shouldn't be because you want to win but because you want to test your skills agains another oponent. That's what the rct2 contests have always been about, testing your skills agains others. By facing others you learned more and more and became better and in a next contest you could end up higher.
Also luck has always been a great factor in contest and Camcorder had the luck this time. this doesn't make his victory any worser he just came here faire and square and deserves his price. I mean even if he becomes a parkmaker it doesn't really makes any diffrence, he still has to prove him self everytime agains if he produces something. Being a parkmaker is only a curse actually cause everything you make is expected very high about so you cant afford to have a bad day you have to produce something good.
Probally thats why the parkmaker curse came ... people only got parkmaker when the reached theire best and couldn't become any better and stoped while trying creating something even better than the park they became parkmaker with. Thats why I'm glad Kumba started to give people parkmaker spots when they became very good but not yet the best, in this way they can still improve and are motivated by the parkmaker status.
I must admit I actually never wanted the parkmaker spot untill my solo was completed but after some persuation by Kumba I finally accepted it because I do like the honor also, I think most of the new parkmakers have had that feeling and have taken the same step. Just because we aren't really the best of the best, most of the parkmakers still stand above the others and therefore still are the elite.
If you are saying NE isn't anymore the site for the elite you are looking at the community in the total wrong way. The best parkmakers still are on NE, only something has changed. the ammount of members has shrunken but the ammount of contests etc is still almost the same, people still expect to see a VP each month and a update on NE almost every week at least. people want to come on a rct forum and download a park to look at it and than go to build on theire own park and come back after a while to comment on some screens from others.
To archieve this many parkmakers aren't really bound to 1 site anymore but are on many sites and posts on many sites and participate in contests on other sites also. Thats why it looks like NE's quality is going down, but actually the quality of the other sites is going up because there are finally some members who think they aren't to good to post on other sites also and participate in inferior contests.
Congrats on the parkmaker spot camcorder22
altough I personally didn't like your park that much, I tought the level of detail was pretty low (I've searched for nifty little things but couldn't really find any) and the coasters wasn't that great also. the flying saurcers where nice but not new same as most of the things in this park. I think you mainly win this match up cause your park was bigger and had more work in it, and as Kumba said the site is rewarding hard work now also and not only quality.
Corks entry was very nice, I like most of the things, to bad you didn't had more time cause I think in the end it was a rush job to get it done and if you had more time it would have been better. -
FullMetal Offline
Wow, way to give us an eye full, Levis.
Anyway, I'll throw in my thoughts on the matter. I do believe that Camcorder deserves the spot. Like Emergo said, the rules stated that any non-NE Parkmaker who made it to the Final Four would be crowned Parkmaker. However, I think we should make Camcorder wait to have his spot. He's only done four micros, which isn't really anything substantial. I think he should grace us with a Design, CC, RU, Blockbuster, or Spotlight before we give him his rightful title.
And on a side note, why do people mention my name whenever something goes sour in a competition? (I'm pointing my finger at Woofenskid, here.)Edited by Xin, 06 February 2008 - 06:04 PM.
gir Offline
Honestly I'm not surprised. Didn't something like this happen in PT3 qualifying? And gw makes a perfectly relevant analogy. We all want fame, right? Deep down we are all pretty shallow, however ironic that is, but it's the truth. It's human nature. -
SenZ Offline
Everybody plays this game for recognition. I can't believe that anybody here posts a screen he or she worked on, without the meaning to hear how good it is. The thing NE is based on is posting screens and then hopefully get good comments on it to get recognition. Nobody wants to hear their work sucks.
You don't post something to be criticised. You post something to get (positive) comments, and at the moment you get negative comments, you try to improve to get positive comments. Everything that is posted here in public (on whatever RCT-site on the net) is posted with the meaning to hear how good it is, since the builder did his/her best building it.
The parkmaker spot however is another story. It was not something you 'fight' for, it was something you got as a recognition for a long history of building, activity in the community and the fact that you made parks (Parkmaker) that were of such quality that you deserved the Parkmaker title.
The thing that has changed is that there now are specific ways how to get the Parkmaker title. It isn't awarded any longer. You just enter a competition and if you make it to the end, you're a parkmaker. It has become a price you can fight for by achieving a single thing (like ending with the final 4 here), and that, in my opinion, is not good, because you should get the title as a recognition of consistency throughout several big releases and not because you just made a few good parks or had some nice entries for a competition.
None the less; Congrats Camcorder with your winI liked both entries, I only liked Corkscrewed's a tiny bit more because it had a little bit more detail
Edited by SenZ, 06 February 2008 - 06:55 PM.
disneylhand Offline
Trust me, arguments were made against this rule from the get-go Emergo.
I don't get it. You guys act like now that Camcorder22 is Parkmaker it's the easiest thing in the world to achieve. He got the spot due to a new rule that, I don't know if any of you noticed, is a one time thing. It's not set down for the Pro Tour and anyone coming out of that competition with a Parkmaker spot will be because Kumba offers it to them. A fluke from some points of view, but as long as everyone knows the circumstances in which this spot was given I really don't see the problem. Cam will earn his spot eventually by producing something more substantial than four micro parks..
I too was disappointed that Camcorder22's choosing to accept the spot at first, but to be honest guys, after reading through this thread I would do the same had I been in this situation just to piss some of you elitist bastards off.
-disneylhandEdited by disneylhand, 06 February 2008 - 06:54 PM.
Camcorder22 Offline
Well pretty much everything thats been said so far, at least the opposition, I was expecting. No hard feeling to any of you (most of you anyway), but it really makes me want to go build something amazing this weekend to justify it. I guess thats kind of the point, Kumba thinks with more parkmakers, more work will be produced. And although my work might not be refined as people like Corkscrewed, Kumba apparently sees something in it thats causing him to keep his promise he made at the start.
So I guess I can understand most of the anger here, but its going kind of far saying that I am building for fame and to achieve parkmaker spot which although not directly stated, is pretty apparent a few of you think that. If I was going to build for fame, I would have stared at a few classic spotlights for an hour and copy them block for block in order to get your guys approval. But I tried some other ideas instead and apparently the judges liked them and look where I am now. -
Comet Offline
That was never intended towards you, it was more an argument over everyone else caring so much about your Parkmaker spot.So I guess I can understand most of the anger here, but its going kind of far saying that I am building for fame and to achieve parkmaker spot which although not directly stated, is pretty apparent a few of you think that.
Kumba apparently sees something in it thats causing him to keep his promise he made at the start.
I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with him seeing anything in you in particular, more like he made a promise and he had to keep it. I could be wrong though.No hard feeling to any of you (most of you anyway), but it really makes me want to go build something amazing this weekend to justify it
Once you build this something amazing then is when I think you should accept your Parkmaker title, but that's just me. -
Kumba Offline
Fuck you all. I run this fucking site and will do whatever the fuck I want. Who makes NE Parkmaker is all up to me and go fuck yourselves if you don't like it. I am going to end MM right now. It is clear that I will win, I mean I am the best parkmaker in the world and no one has gained a vote against me. And Cam does suck, so he's de-parkmakered and Marshy is banned for being a member of NE for way to long. Also the spotlight page will now link to my personal NE Parkmaker page, since I own RCT and you fuckers can't touch me. I OWN YOU ALL
Honestly, with how this topic is going I feel what I said above was the logical reply, NE is clearly coming to an end. Say whatever you want, I don't see any problems at NE right now. All I see is people panicking because a contest is ending on a low note. The same thing happened with H2H4 and if I recall the site was not shut down and we had tons of awesome releases afterwards.
So heres what gona happen. MM will playout with the rules I had first set for it and maybe the parks will be dull and not live up to there hype. It happens. Thats life, you don't always get what you want.
Everything will be alright. Maybe not with MM, but with NE
***ne* ****h -
Milo Offline
Cam just to set things straight the whole parkmaker/recognition thing wasn't aimed at you getting the spot... more to the people saying that Parkmakers aren't what they used to be because of you getting the spot. Honestly I still don't feel you have done enough to deserve it but you getting what you earned in this competition isn't something that shouldn't have stirred quite so much anger...
I guess nobody here posts screens to improve any more. I know that when I show a screen people will find many things that I need to improve on which is generally what I'm aiming for when I show something. I suppose I'm one of the few who does this nowdays though... And sure when I first joined and even today I would like to get some things released on the site, I won't deny it. I have also discovered that when I advertised I usually really started to lose interest in the project, especially if all the comments are good. Praise is a very dangerous thing for me because I'll get bored with what I'm doing and move on to something else. Once I realised this I started to shy away from advertising things as much and now build things behind the scenes.
I suppose the fact that I play LL has given me a lot of these opinions because unlike most people I know that any accolade I may get will only recieve 20 or so downloads. When such a small group would actually be able to view your work then I think anybody would really just start playing for themselves. -
Kumba Offline
Also if someone deleted WMEs post without telling him why they could lose their staff spot. It was not me.
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