Micro Madness / #4 Magnus vs. #5 Junya Boy
25-December 07
Kumba Offline
Round 2 - Match-Up #11: Magnus vs. Junya Boy
#4 Magnus with his entry:
Mountain Mines
#5 Junya Boy with his entry:
Ankara's Valley
After 6 votes by the judges, the winner, by a score of 4 to 2, is... Junya Boy
Junya Boy advances on to the Sweet 16 where he will take on #1 seed Corkscrewed, who has never lost a match-up in this format. Still you can expect a close match as Cork seems to have next to no RCT time and Junya has clearly stepped up his game. -
J K Offline
Magnus i really really like your design. I can't tell you enough. I thought this would be a straight winner but it dosen't seem that way. Two great amazing entries. I can honestly say i thought you had this is the bag.
Anyway Junya, very nice entry. I prefer magnus' but with a score of 4-2 your obviously going to get mixed opinions. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
Um, wow... I would've gone for Magnus, I think. It wasn't the best entry, but it was rather creative and themed quite nicely, I thought. JB's was okay, but it was just so repetitive besides a vertical drop coaster, which we've already seen multiple times. In my opinion, it was just boring. Essentially, Magnus' kept my attention longer, which is why I would've gone that way. I'd be interested to see the judges' comments. -
Carl Offline
This was a close one but I think the right person won. Magnus, your choice of ride type was good, and the hack was beyond my skill, but I think JB's coaster was still better, although I guess its like comparing apples to oranges in this case. JB, you had some great theming, but you should have had that coaster running in blocked section mode, those trains come into the station alittle fast. Either way congrats on the win, JB. -
5dave Offline
Magnus: I liked your entry more. It reminded me a lot of one of these new ABC water rides like the one in Vienna. I liked it very much. The vertical lift, the water cannons and the whole landscaping with the path interactions was great. For me that was the winner of this round.
Junya_Boy: It was a nice entry. It was nothing mind-blowing but it was a solid little park. The coaster wasn't that bad and the architecture was good. But somehow it misses something.
"MFG" -
Ride6 Offline
I don't know who to go with honestly. Junya managed to create a much more imposing and interesting atmosphere with his architecture forms + color and texture selection... But Magnus had THE RIDE. Easily the best of the rides on either map and peep friendly to boot...
It's honestly a toss-up in my book. I suppose I'd go with Mag on the principle that rides > architecture... Still an amazingly close round.
Ride6 -
Evil WME Offline
It was a tough choice because they were both lacking. I voted for magnus, but i can see why the judges chose Junya's. I thought Junya's coaster was just, terrible. Magnus entry was nice, calm, had a nice ride. But there wasn't much that really jumped out at you. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
i thought while Junya Boy's entry was nice, it was just too much of the same. the coaster wasnt really that good and hard to see because of the tall buildings. it didnt really keep my attention long, and it reminded me so much of his first entry.
i would have choosen blitz. while there wasnt tons there, the wter ride was cool and well pulled off and the archy was very nice, for what was there.
FK -
Magnus Offline
Thanks to everybody for the kind comments and all the votes my entry got. It was majorly rushed as I did have less time around christmas than I was hoping, however I am liking the outcome more and more the longer I am looking at the park.
I would like to hear some judges comment on this as I totally don't get how this turned out to be a 4-2. What Junya did wasn't bad at all and created more wow-effect on a first look, but to me it looks totally outdated and boring on a second look. I don't want to sound like a bad looser here, but I don't think the outcome of the matchup fits the NE way of parkmaking nor the quality standards of this site.
However, I am accepting the loose here and promise to come back with something strong soon.
Good luck Junya for the future round(s).
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