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  • Arkie%s's Photo
    Gday. im new here and i just need help with something.
    Ive been looking at some of your sweet rides and parks. and im just wondering where do i put the files ( .SV4 ) i tried putting it in the savegame folder and it didnt see it.

    I ust to play RCT all the time back in the day and i just picked it up from harvey norman. so im gonna get back into it. and hopfully one day i can be as good as some of the experts on this site

    Cheers :mantis:
  • Levis%s's Photo
  • posix%s's Photo
    no levis, i think he hasn't figured out that sv4 is for rct1 because in his horizon, there only exists rct2.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    he says he plays rct not rct2 so I figured he just did something from (forget to unzip or something like that).
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    I'm with posix, i think he's picked up RCT2, and oblivious to the whole .sv4, .sv6 situation.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    welcome back to the loving arms of everyone's favorite franchise :p
    things have probably gotten a lot more complicated than you realize since you've been away...

    .SV4 files are saved games from the Original RCT and it's expansion packs. They will not work with RCT2, which is likely what you have.
    If you are trying to load .SV4's in RCT2, it won't matter where they are- they just don't work with the newer game. They also do not work with RCT3.

    .SV6 files are RCT2 saved game files, and they will not work with the original RCT, but that doesn't seem to be your problem. :p

    If you do in fact have the original game or it's expansion packs (Corkscrew follies and Loopy landscapes- most everything on this site uses both) Then it shouldn't matter where you put the saved game files- when you open the "load game" window in-game you should be able to navigate to anywhere on your hard drive to get at the saved games. Please note that on Windows XP you cannot double-click on the saved game file to enter it, you must already be in-game and load it from there. (also probably Windows Vista- though if you're running Vista there's a whole different set of issues) I believe Posix/Adix has a workaround for this, if you need/want it.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I could be mistaking but couldn't you open sv4 files by using convert savegame in scenario ?
  • JJ%s's Photo
    You can open SV4's just by opening a park in the scenario editor :) (so you can get landscapes from the first game. It's also how you can map smaller maps in rct2 than would normally be allowed by opening a mini map made in LL using the SE.


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