Micro Madness / #3 Fanatic of RCT vs. #14 Camcorder22
08-December 07
Kumba Offline
Match-Up #23: Fanatic of RCT vs. Camcorder22
#3 Fanatic of RCT with his entry:
Micro Mountain
#14 Camcorder22 with his entry:
Thrill Towers
After 3 votes by the judges, the winner, by a score of 3 to 0, is... Camcorder22
Camcorder22 advances to round two where he will take on OLE in a likely RCT2 vs. LL showdown!
OLE's writeup
A late forfeit by RCTNW left a big hole in the competition that forced Kumba to look for another #3 seed player. He found former LL Parkmaker Fanatic of RCT who is back from the dead to fill the gap. Much like Six Frags though, Fanatic has a style that really works for large solos and really doesn't work for micros. He quickly whipped up Micro Mountain in his faithful old school style and came up with as good a park as possible in the short time he had. It's a nice snowy theme with a bit of landscaping and two rides: a compact coaster and a slide. Overall it's a solid entry but nothing very new or spectacular. Facing Fanatic is Camcorder22, who is a newcomer who might not have the most impressive execution but he certainly created a unique and pretty cool entry. Thrill Towers is true to its name as several crazy coasters and other rides are stacked on several different precariously built levels connected by elevators and sometimes the rides themselves. There's a little bit of everything in the entry, even buildings with interiors on the ground level. It's very fun to look at and the way it's built looks like a scenario where stuff is randomly built on top of the previous thing just to get it to fit in. Wheather this look was intended or not, it creates quite a packed but strange entry with lots of stuff to look at from every angle. While not done perfectly, Camcorder22's entry had a lot of appeal and he quickly gained 3 votes for quite an easy win over a "3" seed and this match became yet another upset.
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