Micro Madness / #5 Tom_Dj vs. #12 Liampie
08-December 07
Kumba Offline
Match-Up #20: Tom_Dj vs. Liampie
#5 Tom_Dj with his entry:
#12 Liampie with his entry:
Terror Mining
After 3 votes by the judges, the winner, by a score of 3 to 0, is... Liampie
Liampie advances to round two where he will face Loopy in what looks like a bit of a David and Goliath match-up.
OLE's writeup
This match almost ended up as a forfeit after some confusion with Tom_Dj sending in a blank map by mistake. Liampie agreed to revote the match after Tom got his entry in and funnily enough the results came back exactly the same. Tom_Dj has been around a while and even though he hasn't released a whole lot, he has shown some very nice work in the Ad and has a couple good looking projects in the works. From the overview his Round 1 entry Shinjiku was looking like a good start with some nice architecture and a cool setting but came up short after you opened it up. Besides some big purple domes and an unnamed wild mouse ride there wasn't anything there and the lack of foliage or even fully completed buildings killed the entry and almost gave Liampie as easy a match as the blank map did. Not much is known about Liampie but he made a nice showing with his entry Terror Mining. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of mining going on but there is a really neat old fort type building that takes up most of the map. The fort comes with guard towers, cannons, walkways and of course, a heavily fortified gate. There isn't a whole lot going on in the entry besides that but Liampie does manage to create a cool structure that almost looks like a set from a movie. Both the first vote and the second vote ended up with Liampie getting 3 straight votes to win and capping off yet another upset, at least as far as the seeds show.
Winner: Liampie -
Milo Offline
I've got an odd problem... I can't copy Liampie's to a flash drive. Whenever I try to i get an error saying the source couldn't be copied. This happens with both the zip and sv6 file.
Any ideas? -
J K Offline
Tom really shouldn't be out in my opinion. He has so much to offer the competition. Good luck Liampie, congrats on the win. -
Emergo Offline
I've got an odd problem... I can't copy Liampie's to a flash drive. Whenever I try to i get an error saying the source couldn't be copied. This happens with both the zip and sv6 file.
Any ideas?
Interesting problem...
Just out of curiousity I tried it, and can copy both .zip and .SV to a flash drive without problems. So alas.....no help I am and no ideas either....but, taking it that you can copy other files onto that same flash drive, it intrigues me what could be the cause..
Emergo -
Levis Offline
I've got an odd problem... I can't copy Liampie's to a flash drive. Whenever I try to i get an error saying the source couldn't be copied. This happens with both the zip and sv6 file.
Any ideas?
tried downloading it again ? -
Milo Offline
^yea... I think I've solved the problem though, it's a 100 gig flash drive and I had about a third of the space left but I decided to try deleting a lot of the files I had on there (other MM entries) and it cleared up the problem... it still annoys me that I had so much space left and can't use it but at least I can move files again
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