Custom Scenery Exchange / RCTM V1.3 [Obsolete]
27-August 07
Milo Offline
I've viewed most parks that have used it without it and it's not like it's that bad... so I don't see what the big deal on that is...
I'll probably download it soon when I feel like messing around on rct2 again -
5dave Offline
ATM, it's just to complicated to switch to RCT modified. If you've started a park already and want to use all the tricks it has to offer, it'll be too much work I think.
When I start another project, I'll most likely use it then.
"MFG" -
RRP Offline
I've had it installed since it came out and view all parks with it
same and everything i build or release from now on will require it -
Ge-Ride Offline
I'm using it at the moment, but the despicable tops of the wooden supports below flat rides are still there which prohibits me from using it in a few ways I'd like. If somebody knows how to get rid of them completely without covering them up, I'd really like to know. -
Turtle Offline
I'd urge everyone to get this. That way, we can standardise it, and there's no problem. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Something I think would be good to have in this would be an alternative to the current ice terrain. Because imo it looks like shit, real snow can look really cool and basically all you can make realistically with the ice stuff is glaciers. It would really expand the possibility for snow themes. -
woofenskid Offline
JJ and i talked about changing the black wooden land type to a more realistic rock for cliffs and whatnot, but someone would have to make the images, because josh doesn't have time and I'm talentless. -
Camcorder22 Offline
^I like that idea too. Theres plenty of wall scenery you could probably find to use for that. -
5dave Offline
What will happen to the old parks when viewing them with RCT modified?
Will they be screwed?
"MFG" -
Magnus Offline
You will be able to open them, but the graphics might be changed. Means if somebody was wanting to have the normal stations or coaster supports or whatever you will see they are missing.
This means we would need to change the g1.dat each time we are looking at parks.
There already is a standard and it will always be the standard - that is the original g1.dat that comes with the game.I'd urge everyone to get this. That way, we can standardise it, and there's no problem.
Magnus -
Levis Offline
You will be able to open them, but the graphics might be changed. Means if somebody was wanting to have the normal stations or coaster supports or whatever you will see they are missing.
This means we would need to change the g1.dat each time we are looking at parks.
There already is a standard and it will always be the standard - that is the original g1.dat that comes with the game.
thats why I first want to find a way to chose between diffrent g1.dat 's (like with an offline trainer where you can select diffrent g1's) in that case it would be easier to watch.
but I still haven't had the time to test the theory I have about this to work. -
JJ Offline
lol it's ugly and would fall over but who cares it's just testing... Now that I know it works fine the update should be out on Friday. I just need to write a few things first. -
Six Frags Offline
That would be the only way for me to work with this..thats why I first want to find a way to chose between diffrent g1.dat 's (like with an offline trainer where you can select diffrent g1's) in that case it would be easier to watch.
but I still haven't had the time to test the theory I have about this to work.
Some parks are just simply meant to be looked at with normal stations/entrances/exits/etc..
I love the way this looks though JJ, so Im anxious to see how this will turn out and if there will be a way this can easily be implemented into RCT2..
SF -
FullMetal Offline
I'll wait until Friday, then download it. But like everyone said, my skepticism lies with the graphical issues and the like, when viewing parks with different g1's.
Oh, and that Gravitron doesn't look half bad. I'd ride it, especially if they flipped you upsidedown over the edge. -
Magnus Offline
so Im anxious to see how this will turn out and if there will be a way this can easily be implemented into RCT2..
There won't be an easy way at all.
One could write some sort of a g1 manager where you just have to click on the g1 you want to use, but every time you change the g1 you will have to restart the game.
Apart from that problem it would be really hard to keep track which park has to be watched with which g1.
I doubt one can safe this information to the sv6, but if levis finds a way to do that I would greatly appreciate it. Good luck.
Magnus -
Six Frags Offline
Not to push you, but I was wondering if you'll be able to release the new version today? I'm playing around a bit with it now, and it works pretty well.. Only thing that bothers me kinda is that scrolling text above the entrance and exits. Is there a way to get it away?
lol it's ugly and would fall over but who cares it's just testing... Now that I know it works fine the update should be out on Friday. I just need to write a few things first.
Oh, and magnus, if I'll release the park I'm currently working on (which uses RCTMod) I'll include the installer and create a welcoming message which says that it's only viewable with the modification.
Only disadvantages will be that you'll have to switch the g1's every time you want to view a park which uses it and the file sizes will be bigger if RCTMod will be atached to the .zip..
Anyway, the advantages of using the modification outweigh the disadvatages imo..
SF -
JJ Offline
Right now the only thing you can do is cover it up or hex edit it away. In the update this will be the same. I will try and find a way to remove the banner as well but I think that's more Levis area than me -
Levis Offline
there must be a param which says on which height the banner is so it should be possible to get it away also I think .... but for now I dont know how.
unless you use the hex edit way to get rid of the whole entrance -
RCTNW Offline
As I said before, I love the idea and I hope that there is some way to make the switch. Actually, there might be a solution. Can you install TWO versions of RCT2 on your PC? If so, you can have one version for the normal settings and one with the RCTMod version. This way you just run the version you need.
In any case, I will be going in and re-working all of the Marriott maps using the new tool once it is released
Question is will NE (ie Kumba and others that judge/review parks) be willing to use this tool if the park was designed for it? Otherwise it will look really ugly if they don't
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