Pro Tour 3 / PT3 Screens

  • Carl%s's Photo
    you certainly have a style thats all your own, cam, and i mean that in the best possible way
  • Comet%s's Photo
    Xin, I can't see your screen.
  • Marshy%s's Photo

    That's what she said.


    steve, post yours up.
  • Comet%s's Photo
    Xin, if that's the front spike you needa bigger launch track but if not everything seems alright.

    The surroundings are a bit bare though as well.
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    the story behind this screen is music, which themes the whole park (note: i swear i wasn't thinking of WOMB when i started this.) this area is a screen of the experimental/indie area. the name 'rhododendron' comes from b-side by bloc party. the area's vibrant and wild colors show how these types of music are very different from others, and the simple architecture displays how much of the music is quite simple, yet still displays a difference from other types of music. the flowers display how indie music is sort of the small, un-grown part of the music industry, and how it's still blossoming. other areas include screamo/heavy metal and post-rock/grunge, and each of them will be explained with the read-me included.

    comments and criticism are welcome, but something i can build upon would be nice. enjoy.
  • Technique%s's Photo
    I think that looks great! Maybe use different trains coughcough...but it does look great.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    Xin, you have come a long way in the game.

    Zodiac, thats beautiful. The architecture and coaster is good, but the foliage and colors set an atmosphere that is so strong that it makes the screen look magnificent
  • X_Fusion%s's Photo
    zodiac UUUUUaaaaaauuuuuuuuhhhhhhh :biggrin:

    Muito Bom!
    Very Good!
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Then again, it's not like WOMB was the first 'music themed park'. I for one made one myself before it. It's really a bad concept to go with, though. Since music, usually, is only visual to a certain extent. Probably, visual differently for everyone. So what exactly is the theme?
  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    I must say that I have a similar opinion to WME's when it comes to that last screen of yours, zodiac. It seems that music isn't really a theme, but rather a source of inspiration when it comes to the minor visual variations on what has become your generic style. Where are all the symbols that represent your thematic ideas to the viewer visually? What about that screen suggests experimental music or any of the attitudes behind it? Saying that your park was inspired by music and that the areas have small hints of inspiration is fine, but from what I see in that screen you don't really have any sort of theme aside from a couple cheap surface details. The architecture is not simple enough to give me the impression of any true artistic statement, and the artistic statement is in what you do choose to create as much as what is avoided. Also, your colors are hardly vibrant and you're not taking many risks with color schemes.
  • lucas92%s's Photo
    Not sure about all that art-deco stuff Zodiac... Maybe it's a little bit too much... But I like the supports work and foliage. :)
  • Steve%s's Photo

    steve, post yours up.

    all right.

    Posted Image
  • Nokia%s's Photo
    and thats why your one of my favorite.
    i love it i love it I LOVE IT
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Wow... shame you'll never finish the entry, thats just an educated assumption ;)
  • spartan%s's Photo
    Thats beautiful. I love the archy
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    woah, wait, what?

    this is why you're my favorite parkmaker. it looks like stepping away from the game for a bit has been good for you. i really hope you finish this.
  • Carl%s's Photo
    That is amazing, Steve, now you have to finish it!

    zodiac, yours is quite pleasant as well :D
  • posix%s's Photo
    steve i know you'll just once again break my heart by not finishing.
  • Sey%s's Photo
    That`s beautiful...
  • Xophe%s's Photo
    Steve, that is brilliant.


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