Pro Tour 3 / PT3 entries
15-July 07
zodiac Offline
I just noticed it says, "FK+Coastermind- Kumba"...
I thought Corky was doing the park with Kumba... Duh. -
Emergo Offline
I just noticed it says, "FK+Coastermind- Kumba"...
I thought Corky was doing the park with Kumba... Duh.
^ yep, LoL! now we'll have 2 "duo's", with Kumba super-active like always
Just crept in with editing...Will change that.......
jazz: this "list" is made up from what people answer in here and from what they said in some other topics. Anyone who thinks is in the wrong section (now or later), just tell me in what section you ought to be.
Mifune added as entering.
Emergo -
Evil WME Offline
I was planning on entering, but will most likely have too little time to complete an entry. -
Emergo Offline
RCTFAN and Evil WME added to the section "can be yes, can be no"
(thanks for your answer!)
Emergo -
Milo Offline
Hmmm... this is an interesting little list now... I think I can safely say that at the very least 18 of the "for sure" people will be in... although I don't see any of the "maybe" people but myself getting an entry in
and obviously I hope to see a few entries from some people who haven't replied yet... would be cool
so I'm calling the 20-25 (I'm guessing 22) range for entries here -
FullMetal Offline
I'll be entering (duh).
I've got about 5% done, but it's mostly my first coaster and a small bridge. It looks good so far, and I hope I'll be more of a surprise to everyone. -
J K Offline
I am definatly entering. No question. I have my area's planned out yet i still need to work a few more things out. I will start my Pt3 entry after ive finished my solo. So yes you will get an entry from me. -
zodiac Offline
I have to restart my entry. I got one of those land glitches on one of my main rides and now I can't delete the ride when I lower the land. -
Ling Offline
It might be fixable, but I don't really understand what you mean... is it one of the never-ending pillar of land? 'Cos that's an easy fix... -
zodiac Offline
Yes, that's it, and I can lower it fine, but it's on a flat ride, not a coaster, so it takes out part of the base. If I try to fix it, it error trappers me out. -
Emergo Offline
I am definatly entering. No question. I have my area's planned out yet i still need to work a few more things out. I will start my Pt3 entry after ive finished my solo. So yes you will get an entry from me.
I am relieved J K, that you will be entering for sure....So added you to that section. Fun and good luck!!
Also, think you have/had your birthday - yesterday-today?-, so
To Zodiac...things like these happen, most often they are repairable, but if not....don´t you have a recent and uncorrupted save-game then to pick it up, so you don´t have to restart a whole park....?
Emergo -
Emergo Offline
... No. I'm usually lazy and only have one save.
I am sure you are not the only one......being lazy and just having one save.....but making saves is just a tiny little trouble and can solve so many unexpected problems......
Next time??
Emergo -
Splash-0 Offline
Put me down on the maybe list. I really want to enter but unfortunately i dont have much time to work on my park. Ill do my best. -
Emergo Offline
Put me down on the maybe list. I really want to enter but unfortunately i dont have much time to work on my park. Ill do my best.
Hope you can still make it however, for that would be very special imo. Love your work from what I have seen.
Emergo -
postit Offline
Maybe cover the rest of the flat ride with landblock pieces so that it becomes a hill or something. Then try to work that into the landscape and just forget about the flat ride. I think that's your best route at this point. You could always rebuild the flat elsewhere. I'm assuming you haven't gone balls to the wall with planning every square on the map so with that in mind, hopefully it wouldn't be the end of the world to put a band-aid over it, so to speak.Yes, that's it, and I can lower it fine, but it's on a flat ride, not a coaster, so it takes out part of the base. If I try to fix it, it error trappers me out.
JJ Offline
It's pretty simple to fix.
recolour the land to a land type you haven't used... then using map object manipulation, lower the land ...
tick raise/lower.
then set height offset to negative whatever it has to be...
then tick the type of land...
then click apply and hope it worked...
If not then lower it more by changing the first number and clicking apply...
When done don't click OK, as this will make it perform the action again.
I'm not good with explaining things, but I hope you understand what I mean...
Someone else can probably explain it better.
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