Pro Tour 3 / PT3 entries
15-July 07
Lloyd Offline
You think zodiac will come last?I'll laugh at the person who comes in last place, because it's probably going to be someone (coughzodiaccough) who made fun of me.
Seriously? -
Xcoaster Offline
Don't worry Xin, you can still have honorary last place. You'll be like the bench from PT2, minus the usefulness.
On a related note, my park is coming along again. I considered everything from abandoning it to restarting it, but after some thought, it's going ok again. Whether or not I'll finish on time is still uncertain. -
disneylhand Offline
I'm interested to know who you guys think will come in last place.
I'm not trying to be mean to you zodiac, I really am just interested.
-disneylhandEdited by disneylhand, 10 July 2008 - 06:14 PM.
Ride6 Offline
I hate to say it, but I probably won't be entering. I've barely touched my entry in the last couple weeks because activity with my band is picking up, I'm working, and I'm taking a Chem class...
It's all getting to be a bit much.
Though it might just cause a muse to hit me in the last couple weeks or something. Who knows.
Ride6 -
Camcorder22 Offline
Well my computer got fucked over with spyware, so if my hard drive survived, then its still going to take me a while to get it back. So I started a new entry on a laptop just in case, but I will have to work pretty fucking fast to finish it as I am/will be gone most of this month and next month.
And why did Xin "almost get banned twice?" -
FullMetal Offline
I actually forget what the first incedent was, but the second was when CP6 got all pissed off about my "interest" in death. -
DelLagos Offline
Sorry to say that, but I´m out.
I had 3 computer-crashes and the park, which was nearly finished is now @ 5%...
That sucks!
And I don´t have the time, to build something in this short time! -
Cocoa Offline
that really sucks
you need a new computer
you should just make a 30x30 or something you can finish quickly so you still submit something though.Edited by RaPiPo, 14 July 2008 - 11:22 AM.
Ride6 Offline
To be fair to everyone I should just say now: I'm 95% certain I'm not going to enter this.
I would like to, I have a couple potential entries, neither of which is all that far along. I think I'm just starting to reach a point where the "parkmaking" part of my life is on it's last legs. Next I'll be off from the frantic pace of "band life + college class + job" so maybe I'll settle down and really hammer out some of it: but I wouldn't hold my breath.
I'm sorry; it was great while it lasted but I'm not sure it's going to any longer. Best of luck to all of you with your entries. I feel your pain.
Ride6 -
5dave Offline
Hey guys!
I don't think I'm gonna contribute a PT park.
Yes I know, I had enough time - but still my motivation for that park was just too low. I have another park built on the PT bench which I can finish in time, but I have already advertised that one, so I can't submit that park either.
Sorry to let some of you guys down, but I'm still working on other projects!
"MFG" -
Fr3ak Offline
Seriously .... if more and more people are dropping out I don't really
know, whether I should waste my new PT park for that contest, or just
sending it in for spotlight. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
Not necessarily. Now that Darren is no longer in control of this, we're not sure where that money may come from. So there may still be a prize, but as far as I'm aware, that's not currently determined. -
X_Fusion Offline
No, No, No!!!!
It continues 5dave, you're a good player.
Without you PT3 will be poorer.
Also to all: not lower our arms! -
FullMetal Offline
That sucks. I was looking forward to what you might bring to the table.To be fair to everyone I should just say now: I'm 95% certain I'm not going to enter this.
The same goes for you too, 5Dave.
And on the topic of Kumba not being in charge anymore, I'm wondering if this is the PT's last run. The way it sounds right now, only a few will enter. Hell, they might even push the deadline again. I'm also curious to know what the next contest will be. Personally, I think tournaments like QFTB and MM encourage the most participation.
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