Fiesta! / well, i wasn't going to
- 11-July 07
Regulatin Offline
i'd like to work with you guys and i agree with panic 100%. i have so many unfinished things because i just start building without a plan. -
Panic Offline
For starters: yyo and gir are more realistic-style parkmakers, and OLE has shown an interest in 1920s-style realism recently. Ride6 does both about equally. Loopy, RMM, me, tracidEdge, Gwazi, and possibly Regulatin are more oriented towards semi-realism or fantasy. That's not set in stone, nor are people obligated to remain in those categories, but with that we already have two full parks that could be done in different styles, divided along the most basic of lines. -
Milo Offline
Haha... 1920's realism... I'll fit right in with that shit lol. Nah... I would like to do some wooden coasters or something... although maybe I should try a steel so I don't fall in a rut.
And I've agreed with Panic ever since he told me his thoughts on group parks and why they failed. And we should have our own sub forum.... that would be sweet. -
][ntamin22 Offline
I'd love to take part, if that's alright.. though my involvement may be hampered by the PC i use for LL. -
Panic Offline if ride6 does fantasy, we can have an entire four-part realistic-style map done entirely by three-letter people.
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