(Archive) Advertising District / just something
05-July 07
.Streamline Offline
i just wanyed to try and theme something, 1st attempt at anything like this//
shows the queue behind the station building.
the station building and path area in front.
it isnt a big complex ride, just a shuttle loop...
yeah i suck =DDD -
woofenskid Offline
It's not bad, you just need more colors to break it up, layer your walls, put things on them to make them less bare and flat. (windows, spandrels, etc.) More Foliage/theming would help too, but it's a good start. -
w33maniac Offline
Please no incomplete screens. Take your time and post when you have actually some stuff to show. -
.Streamline Offline
Please no incomplete screens. Take your time and post when you have actually some stuff to show.
thats about as complete as i can get at this early stage, seen as though im a total newbie, but thanks for your constructive critisicm, really helped -
Regulatin Offline
The only thing that is bad really is the landscaping. It's completely flat, also, use different textures other than grass.
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