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  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    Love love love that. Always wanted to do that with Forest Frontiers.
  • BigB%s's Photo
    Colorado, pretty awesome,
    is it for the yt-channel?
  • hulkpower25%s's Photo
    thanks, like what colors should use in the castle, picture
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Brown, gold, orange, black... depends how you use them.

    @ Colorado-Fan: I actually really like the atmosphere in that.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I don't think it's really a case of colour but more so of textures, lets face it, a brick castle is mostly just one colour brick, it was made to be tough, not pretty! I'd say keep the colours as is, just give it more details where you can use accents in with colours like banners, wooden poles for torches, stuff like that, and for the structure itself just mix in some different textures, I'd say download frankenstein from the round match and use some of those objects, I think they'll be of great use for the theme you're making here
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Try Brick and Marble. It should work.
  • hulkpower25%s's Photo
    thanks belgian guy, i will do that. its a good idea
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ^oh god get rid of that signature

    @fizzix: I love what you've done there, that's so charming and I really nostalgic :p
  • Colorado-Fan%s's Photo
    Attached Image: finde das ultimative easteregg.png

    I'm at maybe 30% now. I don't know why but something seems wrong with this overview.
  • Ling%s's Photo
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    It's too squared off!
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Attached Image: Attempt1 -2.png

    Attached Image: Attempt1 -1.png

    Okay, this time I'll actually try for a design. Atrophy's too uncomposed and disorganized.

    just a teaser screen.
  • rct2isboss%s's Photo
    Add a straight piece in between the corkscrew section.
  • Coupon%s's Photo
    Don't listen to him, the cobra is fine as is.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Yes, because cobra rolls are shaped that way?
  • Coupon%s's Photo
    Cobra rolls can be different. Just look at Hydra at Dorney Park:http://rcdb.com/2528.htm?p=12473
  • rct2isboss%s's Photo
    Attached Image: SCR9.jpg
  • Ling%s's Photo

    Cobra rolls can be different. Just look at Hydra at Dorney Park:http://rcdb.com/2528.htm?p=12473

    Yes. V-shaped. Exactly. Not shaped like an "M" that's been eating too much McDonald's.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Attached Image: Attempt1 -3.png

    I think this is a better screen.

    not bad work for a day.
  • Pacificoaster%s's Photo
    You can build your coasters however you would like Shotguns?, but this is the way I usually always make cobra rolls.

    Attached Image: cobra roll.jpg


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