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  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Nice work, very creative.
  • JJayMForce%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    what y'all think, and can you guess what park this is a recreation of? Not finished though, foliage is not done..
  • gijssie1234%s's Photo
    Hersey ?!!!!
  • JJayMForce%s's Photo
    YES! Haha, I knew you would know, seeing as how you are drawing inspiration from it. It will be a 256x256 map 'replica', with my own personal scale of it I guess.. I will show more later, I just couldn't wait to post somethin lol.

    The pic above is the entrance.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    I don't have a clue, But i will comment on the work, I like the area especially the building on the centre right and the entrance, When i first looked at it i nearly had a fit, with the weird shapes on the left of the screen lol. my brain just didn't make sense of it until i looked at it for about a minute :lol:
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I more and more regret that I didn't draft you. Not syaing my current team is bad, not at all, but I just want to give you a stage. :p
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    wow. that is one confusing screen.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    while a bit cluttered and crammed, I like it somehow, try not to put too much on too little space though, give it some room...
  • JJayMForce%s's Photo
    Nah, I understand why I wasn't drafted. I need to work on my creativity and imagination a bit more, and refine my skill. I am recreating this to work on realism more, because honestly I haven't been to many amusement parks, and hershey is a great 'learning experience'.

    Its rather cool how it worked out though, seeing the park as a whole. I practically copy/pasted the layout of the park from google earth, thats cheating I know, but im anal like that lol.

    Also try and just look towards the center of the screen, the green and purple grid are just markers for later, remember its not finished.
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    Holy shit change the roof or change the pathing jesus christ
  • Hex%s's Photo
    ^Hell no. That looks REALLY good. I love love LOVE Hershey Park and that looks as about as good as it can get. You better include Skyrush. I can't wait to see more!
  • tyandor%s's Photo
    JJay, a tip if you are gonna post a screen of an already cluttered area, atleast take the time to black it out or just temporarely use normal ground textures because it's seriously hurting my eyes here. Which is a waste because I think I see some quality stuff in there.
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    That left building looks like it's still zero-clearanced lol. Love Hershey Park, would ba awesome to get a full rec. I think the roof needs to change color to avoid confusion with it and the path.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    .... Good? ....Bad?
    I don't know but not my style (Too messy).
  • Airtime%s's Photo
    I'm really impressed with that screen! Far better than anything you've posted before. It's got a sort of PT2 feel about it which I absolutely adore. However the diagonal roofing on the building on the left isn't great, looks like path almost. Also the buildings roof shouldn't be nearly as low as the path (near the umbrellas towards the far bottom left of the building. I'm not a fan of the green flowers either tbh. I thought Hershey straight away though and I adore that screen, well done.
  • Dimi%s's Photo
    I agree that the combination of diagonal roofs and pathing make the screen look quite confusing. The foliages could need some improvement, but the architecture looks very promising.
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo


    Posted Image

    ... Explore the trails at Pine Oak Park...


  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    JJay, I think it looks too messy but quite good. Do you perhaps have a reference picture as you're rebuilding it?
  • 10ryansmith%s's Photo
    Need some help. You like the first or second on? Little intamin for the kiddies:

    Attached Image: SCR406.jpg

    Attached Image: SCR407.jpg
  • Ling%s's Photo
    The first one.


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