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  • RCTER2%s's Photo

    Mmmmh.. I'm all for NCSO usually, but huge statues without at least 1/4 objects? Doesn't work for me, sorry..

    Yes its NCSO, just a little experiment :p
  • Ling%s's Photo
    The structures look good, but I'm not sold on the textures/colors. Also the giant statue... maybe using track would serve you better (for the arms, at least).
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    I always try to stray from building massive structures in NCSO, because they end up looking so awkward. With limited quarter block options, you can barely show movement effectively. They tend to end up like giant stick figures. If you're going for Naruto throwing the star, you should at least try using trackitecture for the arms, as Ling suggested. Corkscrewy, good to see more work from you, and I'm glad you're trying new things. I like the direction the go kart track is going, but your foliage needs work, try looking at nin's stuff, or possibly my own. Also, your ground textures change way too quickly, try easing them into one another, maybe grass, grass/dirt, dirt, etc. In general though, I like what I see.
  • RCTER2%s's Photo

    The structures look good, but I'm not sold on the textures/colors. Also the giant statue... maybe using track would serve you better (for the arms, at least).

    I always try to stray from building massive structures in NCSO, because they end up looking so awkward. With limited quarter block options, you can barely show movement effectively. They tend to end up like giant stick figures. If you're going for Naruto throwing the star, you should at least try using trackitecture for the arms, as Ling suggested. Corkscrewy, good to see more work from you, and I'm glad you're trying new things. I like the direction the go kart track is going, but your foliage needs work, try looking at nin's stuff, or possibly my own. Also, your ground textures change way too quickly, try easing them into one another, maybe grass, grass/dirt, dirt, etc. In general though, I like what I see.

    Thanks for your suggestions! :)
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo
    Naruto, great themeing idea. ;)
  • Cena%s's Photo
    That gigantic birdman can be made better with smaller objects, although I like the idea and enthuastiac color usage.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    I'm experimenting with coasters at the moment, and this is a coaster I made. Judging only on the layout, how does it look?

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: SCR64.png
  • leonidas%s's Photo
    After the second loop it becomes quite painful, especially the part where there's a curve and a small corkscrew after a giant loop with way too much speed. The four corkscrews also look quite unrealistic for my taste. And that station is way too high, there seems to be a 6m drop before the lift, which is quite useless.
    I'd look at some real-life coasters and try to get the flow and structure of them.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    I've changed the coaster after the second loop, how does it look now?

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: SCR65.png
  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    You should consider adding a MCBR after the first loop so the train slows down and then go for something that looks more like you had in the end of your first layout but less painfull.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    So you mean that I should use the first layout but then with a mcbr after the loop around the lift hill?
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    No, I'm suggesting you place an mcbr after the loop around the lift hill and then restart the lats part but make it look more like the first layouts ending rather than the second ones. Though that first layout looks quite painfull.


    Here's a layout I built today. Those last two pictures are parts that I think that I could improve quite a lot but I'm rather stuck on how to finish it.. Can anyone help me? c:

    Posted Image
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    It doesn't look too bad at all. Just the colours need changing :p
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    Yeah, I forgot to repaint the track.

    I personally thougt the 2nd picture just wasn't good. and the 3rd picture I just dislike but I can't figure out how to change it..
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    The third picture would look better at a different angle but the rest isn't too shabby.
  • nin%s's Photo
    It seems like it's a very "blocky" layout. If you kept all the elements the same yet smoothed every transition to make it one fluid layout, I think it wouldn't look bad at all.
  • Hex%s's Photo
    Not sure about the "S" bend before the brakes, but I think it looks nice other than that.

    Posted Image

    Unfinished. Having a lot of fun building this park. :)
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    There's something I just love about that screen, SuicideCarz.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    Thanks everyone, I'll work on it.

    SC, that looks great!
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Major points for originality.


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