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19-April 07
wheres_walto Offline
^Hasn't been touched for a while. I had been having a few issues with error trappers, but the file still exists. -
Timothy Cross Offline
Coming soon...
An exploration of 31st century science and technology...
31st century terraforming technologies shall allow the creation of Discoverai...
Home of The Neon Sun...
And the terraforming has begun...
|^If anything actually comes from this, I'll be quite interested in following it's progress. Unfortunately, I fear it will be just like the last dozen or so screens you've posted that have been nothing but one-shot ideas that never pan out.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.. no more promises, but I'm pretty confidant I'll go far with this park.Wow, after Ivo, this actually makes a lot of sense.
I'm thankful Ivo's opened the door for more fantasy building. Ultra-realism can suck it, I just want to have fun.
Any other comments? -
RCTCA Offline
This is probably the best recreation I have seen of one of these rides. They are so fun to ride, too!
You did a really swell job of creating a western theme. I love the articulated coaster car off to the right. Looking forward to this.
Might as well post it here.. It is still a WIP as you can tell..
Also, good stuff! You seem to really be stepping up to the plate and improving your game.However, it does seem a little too empty to me...
XCars Offline
Expirience the story as Willian Golding's Lord of the Flies comes alive in the all new LOTF section of the park.
hell__0 Offline
Fantastic !Expirience the story as Willian Golding's Lord of the Flies comes alive in the all new LOTF section of the park.
Cocoa Offline
lord of the flies is a great family friendly theme.
on subject though, the surrounding scenery is pretty good. the coaster could have a different color scheme and the plane is a bit blocky and weird shaped. at any rate it should probably be a propeller plane as apposed to the modern ones like what you've created. use more deco blocks and change the windows to small portholes. that would improve the screen. more flowers would be nice too. -
Xtreme97 Offline
Xcars: See my comment on TPR about the other area. But that plane is real nice!
hell__0: That's really nice work! I love you Korean parkmakers!
In:Cities: That's fantastic! Great work on the fences and foliage, I can't wait to see it!
Whitehawk: It looks nice but try not to use so many WW/TT objects. It's not that they're bad (some are, some aren't) but that alot of the users here don't have them. -
trav Offline
XCars that is a fantastic idea for a theme. I hope you pull it off well as it's one of my favourite books. -
Austin55 Offline
I predict Nin will crap himself when he sees that screen, IC.
And- Hell-o, that looks awesome, and korean.
That's not to bad WH- I agree on the expansion pack objects. Avoid (most) of them. -
K0NG Offline
Xcars: It looks nice but try not to use so many WW/TT objects. It's not that they're bad (some are, some aren't) but that alot of the users here don't have them.
That's not to bad WH- I agree on the expansion pack objects. Avoid (most) of them.
Well, either avoid them completely or use them to your hearts desire. It only takes one TT/WW object to render it un-openable to anyone that doesn't have the expansions installed. And, the vast majority of people here don't have them installed. -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
Xcars that is awesome! Love it:]
Hello, that is quite amazing as well. Keep going!
Really looking forward to your project. Good screenshot man.
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