(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
Turtle Online
Bloody hell, so much drama over nothing...
Don't know about the other guys, but I posted that link because when I look at it, I get inspired to build such things in RCT2. I am actually amazed by the vision and realism in some of those links that Leonidas posted, NOT because it's RCT3, but because I see a common ground between that, and what I know, which is RCT2.
Whether it's made in 3 or 2 has no bearing on how I look at it. I'd like to think that some of us have been around long enough to notice quality work when we see it, and be inspired by such work.
With hindsight, this probably isn't the correct topic to post it in, as however meagre the rules of the Dump Place, I agree with you Kong: it should be for posting your own screens.
But KONG, I would say one thing. When you're so quick to jump to personal insults to get your point across, no one is going to listen to you. You make some good points, but I feel predisposed to disagree with you, because of how aggressively you make them. No doubt you'll come back at this post with a "Fuck you, I don't care about how you or anyone else on this sight thinks about me, i'll do my own thing!", but it really only exacerbates the problem. -
Louis! Offline
Here at NE we are an RCT site, we are fans of the RCT series, not just specific games. As MA rightly points out, over the years NE has evolved and will continue to evolve.
Whilst we will probably never have the capabilities of providing RCT3 downloads and acolades, we have nothing against members who wish to show screens of their RCT3 work to receive comments on.
This is a dump place, there are no rules in here regarding what screens of which game can be posted. In fact there are pretty much no rules accross the entire site, this is something we pride ourselves on, its your community, not our community, we only step in when we feel we really need to. If members of the community wish to share links and screens of any of the RCT games, or even No Limits, its their choice, its then your choice whether to ignore them with respect or to provide the feedback they are after. An advertising topic is not the place for petty arguements over whether NE should allow RCT3 screens or not.
The dump place is now locked for a couple of days until everyone calms down. -
Louis! Offline
Dump Place is now re-open. Screens from all RCT games are allowed. Any posts regarding whether RCT3 should be accepted at NE in this topic will be deleted. If this needs to be discussed then do so in the appropriate section of the forums. Thankyou. -
posix Offline
I disagree.
I don't want any RCT3 here. I'm interested only in old-school RCT. This is how I see NE. An old-school traditionalist RCT site that has better players than anywhere else and lives parkmaking specialisation. This is what I like about the site and what I want from it. If I do not find support from enough members in the community anymore who share this attitude with me, I will quit being an admin. Or, give me my own RCT1&2 only section on the site that I will admin until there is no more activity. I'm very tired of the site's content being mixed with non RCT1&2 stuff. It takes away a lot from my NE experience, and I'd like something be done about it immediately, i.e. site reform. -
chorkiel Offline
I don't want to start this war again nor interfere between you mods, but wouldn't it be an option to just create a new dump place for rct3. and just use this one for rctll/rct2 ? -
pierrot Offline
hell_O (another rct-school user) asked me to upload some screen here
space launching pad -
Liampie Offline
I have no idea what it is supposed to represent, but it certainly is an interesting structure. -
Airtime Offline
Interesting stuff. Has that screen been patched together because its extremely high for its width? -
Louis! Offline
That was the one thing I loved about RCTModified. The new graphics JJ created. Good to see it made it's way around the world. -
Fizzix Offline
That's looking great hulk. The foliage next to the Jurassic park river adventure building looks a little plain though. Looking forward to this:) -
Steve Offline
Just because I am bored and need motivation from you fine young men to finish these.
This is part of the entrance to the park I started recently, with the wooden coaster I've shown in this topic earlier.
A launched giga coaster also from the same park.
And just for the hell of it, because I still love what I've done in this map and was just looking at it (and swooning over my own awesomeness). -
Liampie Offline
The new park looks nice, but also rather lifeless. Needs some colour man, your speciality! Ai also suggest making the small fences black, because the grey looks funny on that path.
Last screen is still fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapYou should finish it, maybe reduce the map size and just build. It's what I do when I lose motivation, lose all your demands and expectations and just build, at half capacity or whatever. When it's starting to get shape, it gets easier again. When it's (almost) finished, revisit the shitty areas and just cut it off when you're getting bored.
edit: Noticed the last screen changed from the last time you showed it... It's even better now. Love the flowers in the trees. -
posix Offline
Absolutely gorgeous. Wouldn't change a thing. What were your plans with this project, and when/why did it stop? -
nin Offline
I just wanted to say that I found my copy of the park in the last screen if you're still interested in my contributions. -
In:Cities Offline
Steve, is that Animal Kingdom in the last screen?
I was just there the other day;D Come back down to Florida!
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