(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
K0NG Offline
And...it's obviously from another site. Unless you're a complete noob to this site and/or a complete idiot altogether, you'll know that NE is, and always has been devoted to RCTLL/RCT2. If RCT3 is your preferred game, then fucking go to a site that is devoted to that. Obviously, some of you are capable of doing that. The dump isn't really for posting links anyway, it's for posting screens of YOUR work. As is all the AD. It's not so much about not clicking on a link...it's about all the ensuing discussion that follows that has absolutely nothing to do with work from members of this site. It's really pretty fucking simple. And obvious. Unless you're one of the aforementioned idiots.Pretty sure this is a Roller Coaster Tycoon fansite. I really don't see the big fuss about posting some RCT3 work. If it's some people's preferred game, then what the hell does it matter to you? Don't click it if you're that stuck up about what games you play.
Plus, the stuff Turtle just linked to is crazy-good.
If this RCT3 shit is that important to you...start a topic in "Basic Chat" entitled "Cool RCT3 links" or something. But, keep it the fuck out of the AD. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Yeah, that'll teach 'em! Dwindling active membership be damned, we'll scare 'em all out of town.
(You guys are fucking ridiculous.) -
K0NG Offline
^So, you're insinuating that it's better to annoy the existing (dwindling or not) active membership with RCT3 bullshit to the point that they no longer want to frequent the site in order to not offend the newer, RCT3 oriented members? Guess it's a choice of who exactly you'd rather "scare out of town". Who's being ridiculous here?
Like I said, if they want to start an RCT3 topic in basic chat or something, I have no problem with that. Then we all have a choice whether we want to check it out or not. Just keep it the fuck out of the dump (or, the AD altogether). -
That Guy Offline
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain..."
Pretty much sums it up. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
They posted some screens in a topic with no purpose or real rules and you've now made it you mission to enforce the rules of the site for the admins, bitching about it multiple times already and I'm sure another long-winded response is on the way. Now you've inspired others to straight up trash-talk their work simply because it's RCT3. If I'm ridiculous for pointing out how much of an asshole you're being, then so be it. You're limiting the potential for new members coming in, and making this site generally more depressing to be at for the existing ones. You're an asshole, I'm ridiculous, and let the admins do their job.
So now you've been warned: there are RCT3 screens in this topic. Now you have a choice whether you want to check it out or not. -
coasterfreak101 Offline
Like I said, if they want to start an RCT3 topic in basic chat or something, I have no problem with that. Then we all have a choice whether we want to check it out or not. Just keep it the fuck out of the dump (or, the AD altogether).
...Or they could start a topic for their hard work in the Ad and share it with those who care to see it, and you STILL have the choice whether you want to check it out or not. -
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
C'mon man, Anybody knows that this is 90% rct2 rctll ... but when you search for it on google for example, It just comes up rct fansite which means all rct games. This is not the "RCT2/RCTLL" advertising district. Yes, we want to see rct2/ll projects but just because some people like to play rct3 and want to show their work, They should not be excluded or told to go somewhere else, So what it takes up pages. I like to see work from anybody bad or good rct2/ll or rct3. If you don't like it then ask the people who run the site to make a seperate RCT3 AD, Seriously you may not want to see it but what harm is it really doing, No harm in my opinion. -
leonidas Offline
LOL, I did seriously not plan this out, yet I must say, I'm glad to post it at
this particular moment..
I did this for some contest, and I'm planning to pick it up. It's supposed to be
some Bangkok'ish palace, with British influence from the 19th century.
EDIT: I'm not trying to take over the forum, it's simply the fact that I play both RCT2 and 3. I'm interested in both, and love looking at the projects around here. Do I really have to leave for another forum, to post my RCT3 screens? My RCT3 and RCT2 work has an ovbvious connection, and I'm not going to split it up. -
K0NG Offline
You're ridiculous for being ignorant to the subject at hand and making offensive statements to those that aren't. First of all, the only RCT3 screens in this topic recently were posted by FantastiCo, I believe just to be annoying. What I and others are referring to is the numerous links to other sites posted and the ensuing, ongoing discussion of them that disrupts the flow of actual screens and any commentary in their regard. I also fail to see any instances of anyone trash talking someone's work "simply because it's RCT3". Yeah, someone said that RCT3 screens/topics were most likely not going to receive much praise or constructive criticism at this site simply because they're RCT3. But, any "trash talking" of their work was because it simply wasn't of a high caliber. If I'm "limiting the potential for new members coming in" and they're all about RCT3, I really don't give a flying fuck. Again, this site (and I hate to be redundant, but it seems to be necessary here) has been about RCTLL and RCT2 pretty much since it's inception and through every change it's gone through since. I seriously doubt that I'd be alone in saying that that's the way it should remain. There's a plethora of sites for RCT3 'fans' to frequent if that's their particular drug of choice. I listen daily to a sports talk radio show that's all about the three major sports (football, baseball and basketball) and has been for years. If a few new listeners start interrupting the daily discussions about the Lakers and the upcoming NBA season with calls to discuss soccer and the station decides (after fielding numerous complaints from their regular listeners) that they're going to devote a good portion of their broadcast to it now simply because of those few, they're going to lose a good portion of their audience (thank God for call screeners). Trust me, that station would rather cater to their existing, loyal audience than risk losing a good portion of them to satisfy a few soccer fans that have plenty of other outlets for their fanaticism. Even if it means somewhat of a decline in overall listeners because they know that they're basically the only place for their real fan base to go. This isn't about my own personal preference as much as it is about the integrity of this site.They posted some screens in a topic with no purpose or real rules and you've now made it you mission to enforce the rules of the site for the admins, bitching about it multiple times already and I'm sure another long-winded response is on the way. Now you've inspired others to straight up trash-talk their work simply because it's RCT3. If I'm ridiculous for pointing out how much of an asshole you're being, then so be it. You're limiting the potential for new members coming in, and making this site generally more depressing to be at for the existing ones. You're an asshole, I'm ridiculous, and let the admins do their job.
So now you've been warned: there are RCT3 screens in this topic. Now you have a choice whether you want to check it out or not.
On a personal level, where the fuck do you get off trying to tell me what my "mission" may or may not be? Your above, quoted post has no real purpose other than to try to bash me personally for whatever reason you seem to find necessary. You state that the topic in question has "no purpose or real rules" and immediately follow with some retarded diatribe about how I'm trying to "enforce the rules of the site for the admins" and how I've "inspired others to straight up trash talk" other people's work. How fucking high are you and on what? Whatever it is, put it down and walk away.
I didn't initially plan this to be such a "long-winded response" but, I didn't want to disappoint you. And, I know how fucked up a 'bad trip' can be (see? I'm not a complete asshole).
EDIT: as I was typing this I noticed a couple of new replies and a nice RCT3 screen by leonidas.
My biggest point previously was that there were indeed, no screens at all but just a bunch of links to RCT3 sites and a shitload of discussion regarding things hosted elsewhere that made no sense whatsoever to anyone that didn't have the urge to click the links. As good as some of that stuff might be, there's a reason that it's hosted elsewhere and my "mission" (if there were one) would be to try to keep it that way. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
See, you're new here, so sit back and let me explain to you the ignorance that I'm exhibiting. This was an LL site. Sorry to tell you that, but it had some serious LL integrity. Out the ass. And in that, I mean that no other site had anything close to what NE offered. So much so, that when RCT2 came out, Iris (the original owner, admin, and founder of NE, for new people like yourself) and the community decided that we wouldn't have RCT2 spotlights here. Some people experimented with it, but it was generally frowned upon and considered a bullshit game and attempt to pull money out of LL enthusiasts. We refused to accept it at NE and said RCT2 folks should go to RCT2.com. That was until Toon unleashed Gila and later his quarter tile block sets (and Foozy's work) on us and people took note of what RCT2 could offer to the community. Then Rivers of Babylon. From there, RCT2 took over, but the site was still favouring LL. with integrity, god dammit! Iris then decided that the expansions for RCT2 would never ever be accepted as accolade submissions here. Integrity! Up until (I can't believe I have to name drop this fuck) Timothy Cross (you may know him as Fantastico) submitted Fantastic Wonders. And then there was RCT@ expansions.You're ridiculous for being ignorant to the subject at hand and making offensive statements to those that aren't. First of all, the only RCT3 screens in this topic recently were posted by FantastiCo, I believe just to be annoying. What I and others are referring to is the numerous links to other sites posted and the ensuing, ongoing discussion of them that disrupts the flow of actual screens and any commentary in their regard. I also fail to see any instances of anyone trash talking someone's work "simply because it's RCT3". Yeah, someone said that RCT3 screens/topics were most likely not going to receive much praise or constructive criticism at this site simply because they're RCT3. But, any "trash talking" of their work was because it simply wasn't of a high caliber. If I'm "limiting the potential for new members coming in" and they're all about RCT3, I really don't give a flying fuck. Again, this site (and I hate to be redundant, but it seems to be necessary here) has been about RCTLL and RCT2 pretty much since it's inception and through every change it's gone through since. I seriously doubt that I'd be alone in saying that that's the way it should remain. There's a plethora of sites for RCT3 'fans' to frequent if that's their particular drug of choice. I listen daily to a sports talk radio show that's all about the three major sports (football, baseball and basketball) and has been for years. If a few new listeners start interrupting the daily discussions about the Lakers and the upcoming NBA season with calls to discuss soccer and the station decides (after fielding numerous complaints from their regular listeners) that they're going to devote a good portion of their broadcast to it now simply because of those few, they're going to lose a good portion of their audience (thank God for call screeners). Trust me, that station would rather cater to their existing, loyal audience than risk losing a good portion of them to satisfy a few soccer fans that have plenty of other outlets for their fanaticism. Even if it means somewhat of a decline in overall listeners because they know that they're basically the only place for their real fan base to go. This isn't about my own personal preference as much as it is about the integrity of this site.
On a personal level, where the fuck do you get off trying to tell me what my "mission" may or may not be? Your above, quoted post has no real purpose other than to try to bash me personally for whatever reason you seem to find necessary. You state that the topic in question has "no purpose or real rules" and immediately follow with some retarded diatribe about how I'm trying to "enforce the rules of the site for the admins" and how I've "inspired others to straight up trash talk" other people's work. How fucking high are you and on what? Whatever it is, put it down and walk away.
I didn't initially plan this to be such a "long-winded response" but, I didn't want to disappoint you. And, I know how fucked up a 'bad trip' can be (see? I'm not a complete asshole).
EDIT: as I was typing this I noticed a couple of new replies and a nice RCT3 screen by leonidas.
My biggest point previously was that there were indeed, no screens at all but just a bunch of links to RCT3 sites and a shitload of discussion regarding things hosted elsewhere that made no sense whatsoever to anyone that didn't have the urge to click the links. As good as some of that stuff might be, there's a reason that it's hosted elsewhere and my "mission" (if there were one) would be to try to keep it that way.
You, D0NG, don't know shit.
RCT1 came out in 1999. RCT2? 2002. This game is fucking dead. It's kept alive only by the people here that care for it and this site. There really aren't going to be new members, and if there are, why would they come to a place like this, where their first attempts are to be ridiculed? The integrity of this site is what we make it, and it has constantly changed and it needs to constantly change with the active membership that actually fucking contributes to it.
I'm not advocating for an introduction of RCT3 releases here, but I'm hoping that people who want to introduce their work in that game can be accepted in THIS community without having to deal with your attitude. The community is what we have, not the games. -
nin Offline
It's never a bad time for a Batman reference, That Guy. Kudos.
leonidas, that screen is great. I love the roof line of that building. Any chance of hooking me up with some cso links? Been trying to find decent sets lately. -
K0NG Offline
You're a fucking idiot sometimes, ya know? I used to have a decent amount of respect for your opinions until the day that you said that you wished cancer (the painful kind of which there is no cure) on everyone that had replied in one of fraroc's topics. I'm sure you were either drunk or hung over when you said that...but still, you never know how close to home some retarded remark like that might hit. You, of all people should know that. And now, your ignorance grows by leaps and bounds seemingly every time you put fingertip to keyboard. You pull shit from people's posts (or..maybe that's all you really comprehend) and manipulate it to suit whatever particular agenda you have on a given day and talk/type out of your ass in some vain attempt to keep yourself 'legit' since that's pretty much the only involvement you have around here any more.
Anyway, the ignorance I mentioned previously (since you obviously can't figure this out on your own) had nothing to do with "The History of NE:Part 1". Contrary to your skewed perception, I was referring to things that occurred within the last 48 hours or so. That the complaint was about posted links, not non-existent screens. While I appreciate the all-so-valuable "NE:Through The Years" reply that you so graciously provided for all of us, that really has nothing to do with this conversation other than to allow you to let us all know your date of registration. I registered in '06...I'd been around for quite some time before that. So there's nothing in your rant that's news to me. I'm not "new" here by any means.
You say "This game is fucking dead. It's kept alive only by the people here that care for it and this site.
Uhhh...yeah, what the FUCK do you think I'm talking about?
It's nice to know that my "adversary" here has adopted the nickname "D0NG" for me. Did that kind of shit in 6th grade. Well played.
And Dirt..I didn't. -
Super G Offline
I'm with you K0NG. There are plenty of RCT fansites with RCT-3. This is an RCT-2 RCTLL site. Go away here. -
highroll3r Offline
its all about rct2!!fuck rct3!!its bunk!!
leonidas that buiding would look better in rct2!
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