(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
Liampie Offline
The square is a mess with all those different path types, generic stalls and wrong coloured stairs. Maybe you should use a whole other pathtype?Everything else is great. Love the restaurant especially, cool diagonals!
tyandor Offline
It's a great screen, but there are something going slightly wrong. The middle part with the fountain is to blame tbh. My attention is to that in a bad way. I'd scrap your current fountain and build a new one. Perhaps make is slightly bigger (maybe even with a statue or something) Don't make it white and try another path -
Wicksteed Offline
Very elegant use of diagonals on that "Hacienda".
The foliage seems rather random to me. I don't think you would naturally find birches, fir trees and these palms in the same spot. But then I know hardly anything about trees. Still it doesn't feel good. I'd suggest you ged rid of the more "northern" tree types (i.e. the birches and the fir tree) and keep to the more southern ones. -
nin Offline
I think the fountain nearest to the diagonal building is too large as it's creating a few bottlenecks for peeps to squeeze through. I know that in this situation most people will probably be sitting down, eating, but even then there's little room for movement.
Other than that, most issues have been covered by those above, though I would try to make the black roof much more interesting. I realize you have the HVAC units in place to add interest, but you can do so much more without entirely taking away from the facades.
This is an improvement from your previous works. -
FredD Offline
@Comet: Nice screen, I would just make a building (a kiosk perhaps) over that information stall.
@Colorado-Fan: That is a very beautiful screen. Only that path around the fountain (on the left) doesn't look good, I think you should change that. I also think it would be better to just have one type of path under the tables at the restaurant. -
coasterfreak101 Offline
Pretty sure this is a Roller Coaster Tycoon fansite. I really don't see the big fuss about posting some RCT3 work. If it's some people's preferred game, then what the hell does it matter to you? Don't click it if you're that stuck up about what games you play.
Plus, the stuff Turtle just linked to is crazy-good. -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
I think the thing about RCT3 is alot of people that play RCTLL + RCT2 bought RCT3 and never really gave it a chance. With all the new scenary and rides the game is unbelievable. But most kinda got left behind on all of it. I mean, there are updated versions to pretty much every coaster style in the game not to mention tons of flat/thrill rides. Including BM Hyper (V style seating aswell), floorless, inverted, sit-down, standup. Intamin blitz, giga, kingda ka, and ispeed trains. Magnum XL200's trains. As for flats, I've downloaded a windseeker, screamin' swing, and some others. All with amazing animations.
The thing that has kinda left me from working more with 3 is contructing buildings. I don't know how many of you have used the Main Street scenary but, it's very complex and time consuming. But I guess I felt a bit the same when RCT2 came out. Anyways though, the stuff I've seen in the past couple days by zerog is amazing. I could never spend that much time on something in 3... although it doesn't mean like he really makes amusement parks. -
robbie92 Offline
Comet, that's a wonderful screen! Probably the best thing I've seen from you, and makes me all nostalgic about the days when I first joined NE and your work was the stuff I'd aspire to reach. So, so amazing! -
trav Offline
No matter what anyone says, RCT3 is now a MUCH better game than it's predecessors. The stuff some people build in that game now is mindblowing. I think the fact that NE hasn't progressed onto this game is what's caused me to become a lurker here. -
robbie92 Offline
Can we cool it down on the RCT3 talk guys? It's gotta be disappointing to the people who post screens looking for feedback only to be cut-off due to people post yet another link to some RCT3 project they found on another site. I don't mind RCT3 stuff at NE, but this just doesn't seem like the appropriate topic for this discussion. -
disneylandian192 Offline
I completely agree with Robbie, this screen has such an old school charm, long before the uber-realism set in. Those were the days when you built an information kiosk and didn't have to cover it with shit to make it an information kiosk. Simple but classy, keep it up. -
Liampie Offline
Looks like 2006/7 NE. It's not entirely bad, but definately a step down from Nature's Fury in my opinion. I like the use of those pink trees. -
Comet Offline
^Yeah, I really wish I could do a full park like Nature's Fury but I just don't ever think I would finish it
Plus I'm really enjoying do this. Natue's Fury was fun but I really find more enjoyment building parks as if it were real life
Thanks everybody else for the comments, I really appreciate them
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