(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
Lloyd Offline
Guys, don't start liking K0NG, it'll be like Xin all over again.
Fuck that.
Let's banish this mother chuffer. -
K0NG Offline
Levis....thank you for actually reading what I said.
Becky...You KNOW you treated me like shit in PM's regarding the 'rules' for the RR Finals....don't go there. Just don't. "Can I be any clearer"? "Rinse and Repeat"? I'll remember those lines FOREVER.
My responses to YOUR crappy attitude towards me were what ultimately got me banned from Space. ALL I did was question what you eventually CHANGED.....that's just STUPID to insinuate that it was MY fault. I came back with "Wipe and Flush" as a response to YOUR "Rinse and Repeat" thing...no more, no less.
If you're gonna dish out stupid 'lines'...be ready to accept a rebuttal.
I mean....are we all supposed to just accept shit like that? Because certain people have aged somewhat less than gracefully in Ohio? (and become jaded and angry) around here?
THAT'S why I started my own site....NO ONE gets 'banned' at RCTMilitia.com ...say whatever the fuck you want....towards me (owner) or anyone else.....speak your freakin' mind.....if you disagree with us...we'll actually listen to you! We'll take what you have to say into consideration rather than just "BAN" you because you disagree with some outdated attitude.
If you want to do a micro....I guess that's ok.....other things I'd rather do........I mean, I'm KINDA busy with a contest at my site right now, but....
I guess I don't have a hell of a lot of choices right now......I imagine everyone's waiting for me to fail......
So...whatever....when I finish with you ...I want tE though, ok?
We all good with that?
BTW....."perpetually drunk guy".........GREAT LL stuff...
I wish you guys didn't take me as some sort of noob...although, I guess I can see why you would.
I'll back up my bullshit ASAP, ok?
I DO have other things to take care of first at my own site. (click on my sig to go there).
The ones that actually sit there and say.....'I dunno...he MIGHT be all that"......
You'll be happy that you think that way....and, I appreciate that.
Edited by K0NG, 13 March 2008 - 03:18 AM.
JDP Offline
^I don't know a whole bunch about building in LL, but I know a good screen when I see one. Well done, and lets just hope the pacing on the coaster is a lot better than your design. :-P
-JDP -
CedarPoint6 Offline
That's one of the better looking LL screens I've seen in a while. I don't know much about the game, but the composition seems to be really nice. -
Levis Offline
I was bored cause I need to learn actually.
so I tought I could share a little screen with you.
its something I'm working on for a while already but I can't get the style I want .... I hope this is finally something which looks a bit good.
what do you guys think?
yes it's not complete yet -
Steve Offline
zodiac, that second screen is fantastic. I love that observatory thing you have there. The surroundings look great, too. -
Kumba Offline
Well im back.
Nice screens everyone.
K0NG it seems it needs to be decided which of us had the better RR Finals entry. You can get mine here. Where is yours? Post it in the AD or place to upload your parks if you want, but I am closing now this dump now, so we can have some type of special event later... -
Gwazi Offline
Since I'm so bad with layouts, I just wanted to know what you guys think of this one, and how I may improve it. fyi I'm not really going for total realism, so if its something small like "the brakerun is too late," I'm prolly not gonna bother with it. Thanks in advance, though. -
trav Offline
It looks alright.
Two suggestions though:
1. Move the Cobra Roll back a bit, and put a loop in.
2. Put the MCBR on the Airtime hill after the Dive loop, and rework the track after the turnaround. That way, the MCBR will be closer to being in the middle of the ride, as opposed to being 3/4 of the way through the ride. -
trav Offline
^^Did you read Gwazi's post?
Yep. Which is why I went into a bit more detail about the MCBR instead of just saying it needs to be moved. -
Cocoa Offline
No, actually, I think the layout's perfect. It would be sort of awkward if he moved the cobra roll even more back, and the brake run on the airtime hill completely defeats the purpose. -
Louis! Offline
TBH I wouldnt even bother with an MCBR at all. Put in another inversion or something instead, plus what I said to you about the steep turn on the first drop. -
JDP Offline
^Actually he's right. Gwazi you can pull off a good layout with out the mcbr. I usually don't use mcbr unless I am building a hyper or a very large layout.
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