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19-April 07
petrol Offline
@ louis: i did, i accedently posted the first post twice so i edited the second one to be this one -
musicman Offline
^sneaky one you are
Anyway, I like the second layout except for the turnaround, seems uncharacteristic for an Intamin. The first layout seems too busy.
nin, I think the pond would look better in this case if it looked more artificial actually. You sorta have a neoclassical style facade going on, which clashes with the natural looking pond right now. -
djbrcace1234 Offline
@ nin
I'm very curious to see how this will work out. Beautiful nevertheless though! -
djbrcace1234 Offline
Got bored, but I might finish this just for the heck of learning how to make rides. -
djbrcace1234 Offline
Just a reverse lim coaster like Superman or Tower of Terror.
To bad you can't add more seats though, so one entire row of 4 seats is missing. Still 8 peeps per train.
Edit: and I made a personal discovery while decoding the dat. Apparently the car has the images to do a loop and some basic turns. -
J K Offline
Whilst I think the woodie layout is slightly random, I'm no expert on them but I think you could do better. With the other coaster I think it looks great and the supports seem very fitting. I can't wait to see how you're going to theme them. -
chorkiel Offline
@djbrace, that's one hell of a discovery ! now make some loops
@chillsons, I'm not a fan of the woody. I like the bobsled though I'm terrified by the small hill at the end. -
musicman Offline
@djbrcace1234: are you sure? I'm pretty certain I've seen them do turns before, one of those "bedroom" parks I think. -
djbrcace1234 Offline
@djbrcace1234: are you sure? I'm pretty certain I've seen them do turns before, one of those "bedroom" parks I think.
Yeah, you're right! my mistake.It just doesn't support bank turns.
Louis! Offline
Well the combine them with Thrust Air Rails.
It's not as simple as that. There are no images of the cars to be used on banked track, thats why they don't support banked turns. You would have to create new images to enable them to take banked turns, not just merge them onto another track. -
djbrcace1234 Offline
It's not as simple as that. There are no images of the cars to be used on banked track, thats why they don't support banked turns. You would have to create new images to enable them to take banked turns, not just merge them onto another track.
Exactly as Louis! said. Anyways, I'm only doing this because of both coasters making the transition to a reversed experience.
Should be a long project, but it will be useful for one of my future ideas. -
robbie92 Offline
Nice, although your tombstones look kinda squat and monotone; you can possibly switch some of them up to make a more varied look. Also, that tower seems kinda large compared to what's next to it, but I'll save my reservations until the finished product.
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