(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
Roomie Offline
Cheers guys. I had a good night last night where ideas just clicked. Makes up for the night before where I had no inspiration and I ended up removing any things.
Liampie: Cheers. Sorry u dont like the walls. The hedges were pretty handy since using the four mazes you can add 4 new wall types to LL. However I tried using mazes to make thinner ride queues but while the edge walls are fine, if you use a wall in the middle of the tile then they glitch when you lower them
Posix: Thanks man. always good to get a positive comment from you
K0ng: cheers too. I actually almost made it by accident. I meant to clone them into walls. and then thought. Actually that's quite nice on its own
RMM: It's a new idea for meI certainly haven't seen it done before. But it doesn't surprise me that it has been done elsewhere though.
JDP: -
RMM Offline
posix, i won't post a screen of my own use of them due to the 'unfinishedness'. i have a feeling you'd try to tell me that i just threw them together to steal an idea. i first seen them stacked from ][ntamin in one of his asian themed screens. they're in the dump somewhere and i think he had a topic for it. he used them to stack underneath paths along the waters edge. and in his area in one of those unfinished group LL parks. in no way am i taking a shot at roomie though. -
Roomie Offline
Anyway on to today's screen.
I may use this hack somewhere but I need to fix a few things with it first. (look closely if you can't figure out the hack). -
RCTNW Offline
Half the train facing forward and half facing backward? This is just stupid good shit your doing now if what I see is correct -
Roomie Offline
You are correct. The train is split half and half, forwards and backwards. This is a fairly tough hack to pull off as Levis Indicated. Mainly because its impossible to do it using just one train (unless you have a heartline coaster then its easy to do like so)
However to do it with 2 coasters you have to shoestring them on identical underground tracks. However I believe its possible to solve the main issue of the 2 cars ghosting through each other by making the underground shoestrings MUCH longer (25 to 3). This means that when the 3 cars on the actual ride go through the loop they will be barely affected as they take up a much lower % of the over all momentum. Its difficult to find a level that makes them not ghost while still making they physics look believable though.
did that make sense to anyone? -
JDP Offline
nah it makes perfect sense. its an easy planned out hack it just takes a lot of patients and attempts.
-JDP -
Roomie Offline
"lots of patients and attempt" makes me sound like some crazed doctor
I'm not one to point out spelling mistakes (I make them all the time) but it made me laugh.
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