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19-April 07
highroll3r Offline
its still early days. the layout is now to my satisfactory. colour changes and names etc will flurish through out the support building process.Too much yellow, and you need to capitalize your ride names.
petrol Offline
so... this is the ticketboot building of my six flags over iowait's very much a concept so don't hold back on negative things
PS: still looking for someone that wants to make a logo for the park -
nin Offline
For a logo just get the standard Six flags logo and slap "over Iowa" underneath. Gets the job done. -
BelgianGuy Offline
I like it, the structure looks good and there's just enough detail to make it interesting without going overboard, very nice now keep the same level of quality and I think we'll see great things from you -
petrol Offline
@ nin i wanna try to put in a taz in there but cant get it right with the whirlwind tail behind the "six" -
chorkiel Offline
^taz is warner bros movie world property..
@ the building, I like it but I don't like the upper middle part I'm not sure what I don't like about it but it just looks so rushed.. -
Roomie Offline
Final teaser before it gets sent in. Testers have performed their jobs admirably and just working out the last few kinks.
Jusmiths B&M Floorless "Marrow" flies high above the damaged town surrounding the Rapids Ride "The Great Flood". -
Liampie Offline
You might stand a chance to win Bronze, the screen shows quite some potential. Looking forward to judging it! -
tdub96 Offline
^lol. At least i think its sarcasm. Either way, good luck Roomie, cant wait for another great LL release from you. -
posix Offline
sorry roomie, i'm not a fan. i think the colours clash and what's there looks kinda purposeless and random.
gijssie, your ability to make organic pathways and foliage are astonishing. have you ever finished a project before? if so, can you link? -
gijssie1234 Offline
heey, I'm very busy at school, and now am very busy with Universal Studios sidney who like my other park makes a big jump, after this I will start with Walt Disney Studios. -
BelgianGuy Offline
if that is a vekoma big air, it needs to be way bigger dude, seriously and yeah I'm wanting to like it but it isn't finished enough -
Roomie Offline
Cheers guys
Liampie - I hope so. A bronze would be lovely
Posix - I think we've had the discussion over how you think every building should show purpose and how strongly I disagree that about 1000 times over the yearsHowever In this case the buildings do have a purpose. Surely a ride called the great flood would look rubbish just running through a field? The Idea is that the flood is running through the main street of the town.
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