(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
highroll3r Offline
thats a monster of a COCK petrol. its huge. nevertheless its still outstanding. literally taller and bigger than any other COCK ive seen
Sorry for that post. lol i somewhat wrong to say that. i thought it was a joke to the above. gotta get off this canna. -
Cena Offline
Just double post then instantly, instead of waiting for someone else ... What the fuck is going on with NE lately, and I am not even around that much as I used to do in the past ... -
Cena Offline
You are acting like a total noob around here. Making stupid posts which are half ontopic, and other posts that are completely offtopic. I am in this topic, called Dump Place, to see screens from parks that are in progress, not to read your reply's about 'monster of a COCK' or 'vietnamese have small dicks'. If you want to play this game, please leave NE and go play your game somewhere else.
Thank you -
highroll3r Offline
whow hold your hoses KID. get your head out of your arse and have fun. if the world was full of people like you humour wouldnt exists. im around ne to learn, progress, subbmit, admire and last of all have fun. i missinterpreted the vietnam post by cocoa. thinking he was taking the piss out of my post about huge, monsterous, outstanding and bigger than anything ive ever seen. thus why i replied to my post and edited the word building.
any way if you had half of a brain cell you would have seen i wasnt being a noob.
and to conclude my side of the story you are a monsterous, huge, massive COCK hahahhahha -
Dotrobot Offline
Ah Cena. Stop chasing our new people away.
I rather have NE what it is as now rather then a friggin cookie cutter once where you've read 1 comment you've READ them all. it's good to have a little personality -
Cena Offline
whow hold your hoses KID. get your head out of your arse and have fun. if the world was full of people like you humour wouldnt exists. im around ne to learn, progress, subbmit, admire and last of all have fun. i missinterpreted the vietnam post by cocoa. thinking he was taking the piss out of my post about huge, monsterous, outstanding and bigger than anything ive ever seen. thus why i replied to my post and edited the word building. any way if you had half of a brain cell you would have seen i wasnt being a noob.and to conclude my side of the story you are a monsterous, huge, massive COCK hahahhahha
I am perfectly in for humor when it's actually humor and at the right moment. However, yours wasn't (well, it was if you were 13 and in puberty) but for NE, an online message board it wasn't. And above all, you are making stupid jokes in important topics. Some people here only check the Advertising District and Dumpplace because there love for the game. Don't bully them with your off-topic chat here while they are trying to see which newcomer builds an amazing parks, which builders gave an update to their park etc.Ah Cena. Stop chasing our new people away.I rather have NE what it is as now rather then a friggin cookie cutter once where you've read 1 comment you've READ them all. it's good to have a little personality
I am not chasing any one away, just telling them to not to reply as a gigantic noob in important topics. Just make a topic somewhere else on the forum for your personal rant about Vietnam and it's cocks, I don't want to read (and many others as well) in the dumpplace where it's about roller coaster tycoon[b] AND THE [b]screens of your parks.
Hope this is clear now, since it's really annoying to read all this crap. Just ESC or CTRL+W your webpage and built something in RCT, make a screen and when you have that, come back in this topic to show us what you made.
Thank you -
wildroller Offline
Kind of agree with cena, highroll3rs posts were pretty pointless but the dump place wouldn't be what it is if there wasn't any dumb arguments every 20 pages or so...
Also to not derail any farther, that's one amazing building, big and detailed. -
Comet Offline
That's amazing petrol...
Anyway, some advice to you Cena. If there is ever a time when you feel like you need to reply to a post from a newer member with something along the lines of 'What the fuck is going on with NE lately'...it is likely that the resulting posts will do very little in answering the question, and they will only make you want to ask it again -
K0NG Offline
Cena (Remy) please just shut the fuck up. You have no idea what a 'sense of humor' is. Seriously. Looking down and laughing at one's own inadequacy does not qualify as "getting the joke". -
petrol Offline
thanks for the compliments guysand is taking me a shit load of work to build it
@ live on earth ass: i'll see what i can do about the tower..
PS: to give you an idea of the size of the church building. what you see in the picture is about the half of it's entire size -
Super G Offline
Petrol, O my God! I just love it!
I've got three new screens for you. One hasn't shown yet, the other two are old with things changed (sorry for my bad English).
Picture time:
The new screen, 2 barns and one glass-house.
The new coaster-layout. Is this better?
The entree, with more color. Is this better?
Tips and commends are appreciated. -
Hex Offline
I'm not feeling that layout bud. Though I am liking the last screen more and more, just finish it before you post it for the third time. =) -
wildroller Offline
@ Super G - Screen 1 & 3 are pretty good looking to me. The coaster layout though isn't too good I don't think. Maybe adding a couple corkscrews at the end would help but I'm not sure really.
Also posting an updated screen of a coaster I posted on the previous page. Got the station built, also you can see a smaller building that will probably be changed quite a bit because I don't like how it turned out. -
Dotrobot Offline
I do build cena. I just don't show small screens.
It's nice wildroller although some foliage would help. -
Hex Offline
Well Cities, if you are talking about me, I was being serious... I wasn't trying to be funny...
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