(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
J K Offline
I think the building on the right is the worst one. Not that it's bad but the rest is just very good. -
Goliath123 Offline
ew thats not very good, its just a really weird combination of bushes, try alternating something else instead of the hay. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
The landscape needs work before you can start messing with the bushes to cover it up. Though in the reality of this park, how likely is it to have dead grass next to a water source? Hay is probably a poor choice. -
Cocoa Offline
hey cci, that's funny, i have a very similair project getting finished sometimes soon. -
djbrcace1234 Offline
Maverix... Your foliage always seem like "patches" more than actual natural looking clumps. It's too clean, and monotonous
I also agree with MA as the landscape abruptly ends, but even cliffs have more of a jagged, uneven flow. -
SSSammy Offline
I've been working on my project code named "wildfire".
These screens are not final the foliage still needs a lot of work
b&ms don't have double corkscrews :3 nice otherwise. -
Comet Offline
Miracle normally ski resorts clear out a lane of trees under the lift
I've never seen any lifts that travel above the trees like that
At least in the U.S. that is
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