(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
highroll3r Offline
petrol that is a really good recreation after seing the real thing. you dutch do seem to be very good rct players -
petrol Offline
thankspetrol that is a really good recreation after seing the real thing. you dutch do seem to be very good rct players
petrol Offline
ik think the highway that runs underneath the bridge should have smoother tarmac it looks kinda bumpy now -
musicman Offline
I like the idea, but it kind of looks ugly without actual road path/scenery. Also, the slope up on the exit ramp in looks too steep. I know geewhzz had some 12.5ish sloped roofs in his unfinished Cedar Point recreation that I have considered using as roads but never have had a good opportunity to. You may want to look into that. -
wheres_walto Offline
ik think the highway that runs underneath the bridge should have smoother tarmac it looks kinda bumpy now
Dude, that's the rock land texture. -
GigaG Offline
Robbie, your LL is great. If you did a group park. (you, Roomie, pierrot, and maybe another great korean player), I seriously think you could get a perfect score. -
inVersed Offline
Robbie, your LL is great. If you did a group park. (you, Roomie, pierrot, and maybe another great korean player), I seriously think you could get a perfect score.
...don't forget about Loopy.
Fucking brilliant screen, Robbie -
Timothy Cross Offline
Am I the only one that thinks this screen is ugly? Or the only one with the balls to admit it?
What's with the extremely flat and strait ledge it sits on? What's that ugly red thing with the ruins on it? What's with the second floor windows with the aqua glass being windows to nothing? What's with the balcony with the green roofs not having a door and being useless? Why is there dirt inside the building? What's with the shape of the building being boring? What's with the overall color scheme completely sucking?
Sorry if I sound like a prick, but I hate this screen. -
petrol Offline
i figured thatDude, that's the rock land texture.
but i think it looks better if you use black tarmac tiles:)
robbie92 Offline
^^WTF? Honestly, I'd expect a more civil response from you. Oh wait, no, I wouldn't. I can undertstand that you don't like the screen. How about the unfinished aspect of it. It's not like I go to you screens and go" Am I the only one who actually thinks this is ugly and uncreative? What's with the overuse of grey? What's with the unfinished landscape? What's with the overuse of desert? What's with the random storylines that are a whole lot of explanation for a little?" I could say that, but I hold it in. Offer some fucking constructive criticsm. I wouldn't mind if you said something along the lines of "I don't get (insert thing here)," or "I'm not feeling the color scheme. I feel (this) and (that) don't go together." And yes, you do sound like a prick, but so do I.
Oh, and "balls to admit." Stop trying to be K0NG. It's never going to happen.
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