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19-April 07
turbin3 Offline
Neein, Casimir meint die bei der Rolltreppe
Ja, das sind aber auch Holzplankentiles. -
Casimir Offline
Yep, don't change a thing. It really looks great this way.
Nein, ich meinte eigentlich die Laufbänder ^^
Aber die Laternen mit den Holzteilen sehen natürlich auch gut aus. Ich finds gut, dass die so ein bisschen "viereckig" sind ^^ -
RMM Offline
amazing how new shit is still being discovered in LL everyday around here. looks great MA, might put em to use in a design here. -
Fizzix Offline
Excellent screen, CF. I must say, you've found something MA. Great stuff on this page! -
Cocoa Offline
its ok, honestly I dont see the big deal. its just a tent and lights... although it is nicely done...
figured maybe I should show off a little of my rct2 project, though god knows if it will ever be finished. good news is today I finished off my micro final after months of not touching it. now all thats left is to zero clearence, which is going to take a LONG time.
the track will be invisibled. i hope you know what it is, or I have failed. -
Comet Offline
Yeah well, a hotel is kind of a different story. There's not huge amount of cars coming in and out at a particular timeYep, don't change a thing. It really looks great this way.
BelgianGuy Offline
After Kumba, Montu, Sheikra and Cheetaka
Busch Gardens Africa is ready to unleash another beast onto its public
note screen is highly unfinished -
robbie92 Offline
Looks great Stijn. I love the use of Kumba's poles as fences!
First LL work since June, so I'm a tad rusty. Be kind -
Brent Offline
Looks great, but maybe less parking lot lights? Delete every other so they don't seem so close to each other and it'd be perfect. -
BelgianGuy Offline
that's great robbie, but why did you have to pull all the attention to yourself again^^
I like it but the archy with the path looks a bit forced to me, try giving it some more space... -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Structurally looks great, Robbie. The colours are a bit dull, though... Maybe something other than the blood red for the track? (I know, sacrilege, right?)
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