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19-April 07
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My try at a Intamin 1st generation drop tower.
(Just noticed trees are diffrent colors :l) -
Steve Offline
Holy shit please tell me you're doing the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Rob. I will love you forever. -
Kumba Offline
Might not be anyone better for that theme than you robbie. It's a lot like what you did on Tim. Keep it up! -
K0NG Offline
The color of your trees isn't the issue...everything is too square.My try at a Intamin 1st generation drop tower.
(Just noticed trees are diffrent colors :l)
And robbie...nice depiction of the NE/robbie92 ballwasher. It almost looks functional. -
Fizzix Offline
Yes, please continue that one, robbie! it looks awesome!
Listen to RamSam though, finish SFSF first!! -
Goliath123 Offline
Its good, but when i read of the three broomsticks i thought really? It doesnt seem hpish to me at all. -
K0NG Offline
Harry Potter had a ballwasher?
Then again, I've never seen any of those flicks. I haven't been into broomsticks since my 3rd grade babysitter... -
Brent Offline
Has anyone told you "efff you" for being so good, Robbbie? if not, let me be the first...
efff you for being so good, Robbie.
shout out to Sam Adams Oktoberfest Beer/Ke$ha. -
SSSammy Offline
Has anyone told you "efff you" for being so good, Robbbie?
i have. several times.
imagine me jumping on the bandwagon and that's basically my comment. -
Splitvision Offline
^that, and get rid of that path combination. Maybe use the dark path only, or a completely different one.
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