(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
BRTeller Offline
I decided to post this here due to the very obvious unfinishedness of it. Just wanted to hear some opinions and thoughts on this project so far. Started out as a VERY sloppy track that I almost trashed after rebuilding it about thirty times, while going through the same with the station. But I started to build with the new sets and objects I added to the map a few days ago and came up with some pretty neat stuff IMO. Just wondering if it seems to have potential like I think it does.Edited by BRTeller, 28 April 2010 - 04:43 AM.
Splitvision Offline
It has potential, definately. Not easy to comment on the coaster as you only show a part of it, what's there doesn't look bad at all though, maybe just a tad bit undersupported. I'd say the train comes down from the top hat at a pretty high speed so those turns should have some reinforcements, and the top hat itself would need it too I think. The theming around it looks good so far, I like those purple domesThe station looks good too, although for the openings on the side where the train enters/exits, the walls look a bit thin, I usually put 1/8 blocks at each side to thicken it up a bit. The spectator area looks good too but I'd make it slighly higher so that they really can see the launch well. oh and one more thing, I dislike the path. All in all, this looks very promising.
BRTeller Offline
All noted, but one quick question. Do you think that the normal concrete footpath would work better? -
Liampie Offline
No, normal concrete footpath would blend too much with all the other gray stuff. I like the path you currently have. -
Splitvision Offline
No. Although that would fit the industrial theme, one thing I actually forgot to mention was that i think you need atleast one additional colour to grey and purple, and a grey path would make it... well overwhelmingly grey. I imagine brown path would work, though you could do it the other way round and spice the theming up with some more colour while the paths are more neutral.
EDIT: Liampie beat me to it. And good shout nokia, some landscaping is needed. -
BRTeller Offline
I was thinking maybe add a little yellow here and there would mix well with the violet, while making it look a little less plain. But I'm still kinda iffy on it. I was also considering coloring the shingled roof the purple/violet color, but I think that'll make that color way to overwhelming like grey is now, except more ugly. I don't know, I'm open to color suggestions and any other suggestions for that matter.Edited by BRTeller, 28 April 2010 - 05:15 AM.
BelgianGuy Offline
a dirty old green.
or a type of worn red if you get me
muted red or green are always a winner when you're going for an industrila theme since a lot of old building in industry complexes are all brick or some type of metal that corroded to a shade of green... -
JoeZia Offline
I actually was gonna do that, but then I realize that would be random, pointless, and an attempt to be funny. too bad I don't have some sort of thing to advertisze. -
Louis! Offline
Haven't played for a while and havent posted a screen for a while so have an overview: -
Splitvision Offline
That layout is hot. But, it feels like the barrel roll should be going the other way. -
RMM Offline
nah, its the right way. imagine the cobra roll and the roll on a diagonal, which it would be outside of rct limits. -
posix Offline
layout is amazing, so is the terrain design. path interaction is also very good. looks like a massive piece of work though
i don't quite understand the excitement over the roves made entirely out of trackitecture. i also think the kiddie coaster lift isn't very necessary when there's already a wooden track. but i can see what idea you were following when you added it. -
Splitvision Offline
I think it's mostly due to the fact that you have to place a straight unbanked piece of track before the roll before you can build it. So even if that turn naturally leads into the barrel roll the way it is now, the train is straightened up first, so it feels more natural to follow that movement, and thus having the barrel roll the other way. That would also lead to the turn after the roll more naturally.
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