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19-April 07
robbie92 Offline
I really like that, and for a second, I thought I might have posted it too... lol. Glad to see someone got some good stuff out of MG though. -
Cena Offline
A few tips to make it perfect;
- Removing the 'Custom Fence Base by Magnus' at the black fences under the buildings, because they are now 2 clearences high, and therefore they fall in the same line of objects behind it.
- The floating flower baskets on the white fence (first floor) look really ugly/unsupported. I think those will look a lot better if you moved them 1 clearence down / under the top of that fence.
And one question, what are the queue lines supposed to be? 8 entrance lines for park tickets, or 4 lines for food or 4 queue lines for the park tickets? Because if it would be the first one (8 queue lines) you will get a lot of trouble with your guestflow, for example, if an family has to buy tickets, and they would buy them there, they all have to go to the desk of the park employee, buy the tickets, and get back threw the queue line, that would cause a trafic jam.
But you can ignore all my words above if you want, because it already looks really good. Try not to overdetail though because of the game limits. -
K0NG Offline
But you can ignore all my words above if you want
Best advice given in the entire post. -
K0NG Offline
Yeah, you're right. Other than the custom fence base part, that was a pretty helpful post. I just like messing with Cena and saw a pretty obvious set up and ran with it. Some habits are hard to break. After reading the 'how to make it perfect' and 'custom fence base' parts, I kinda skipped straight to reply. My bad. -
Cena Offline
Yeah, out of all Cena's posts you chose this one to get at him?
I am not even gonna respond on this, I can use my time better for solving my reallife problems. -
Nokia Offline
the funnest thing i have built since i bought the game.
[find the emo kid] hahEdited by Nokia, 16 April 2010 - 09:03 PM.
Liampie Offline
Effectively overdetailed, so actually it's not overdetailed. Fantastic, now finish it! -
Cocoa Offline
I'm not sure I like that long effectively useless white wall. Maybe push that building back a tile or so?
Everything else goes without saying, superb.
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